Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Vardeman, Stephen B.
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2003 | Sheppard's correction for variances and the quantization noise model | Vardeman, Stephen B. |
2003 | Calibration, error analysis, and ongoing measurement process monitoring for mass spectrometry | Vardeman, Stephen B.; Wendelberger, Joanne R.; Wang, Lily |
2003 | Development programs for one-shot systems using multiple-state design reliability models | Shevasuthislip, Suntichai; Vardeman, Stephen B. |
2003 | Engineering statistics | Vardeman, Stephen B. |
2003 | Likelihood-based statistical estimation from quantized data | Vardeman, Stephen B.; Lee, Chiang-Sheng |
2004 | The expected sample variance of uncorrelated random variables with a common mean and applications in unbalanced random effects models | Vardeman, Stephen B.; Wendelberger, Joanne R. |
2004 | A sufficient condition related to mistaken intuition about adjusted sums-of-squares in linear regression | Morris, Max D.; Vardeman, Stephen B. |