Browsing All of EconStor by Author Van Reenen, John

Showing results 1 to 20 of 37
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Who gains when workers train? Training and corporate productivity in a panel of British industriesDearden, Lorraine; Reed, Howard; Van Reenen, John
2000R&D and absorptive capacity: From theory to dataGriffith, Rachel; Redding, Stephen; Van Reenen, John
2001Evaluating the employment impact of a mandatory job search assistance programBlundell, Richard; Costa Dias, Monica; Meghir, Costas; Van Reenen, John
2001No more skivvy schemes? Active labour market policies and the British new deal for the young unemployed in contextVan Reenen, John
2001The dynamics of investment under uncertaintyBloom, Nicholas; Bond, Stephen; Van Reenen, John
2002The returns to education: A review of the empirical macro-economic literatureSianesi, Barbara; Van Reenen, John
2004How special is the special relationship? Using the impact of US R&D spillovers on UK firms as a test of technology sourcingGriffith, Rachel; Harrison, Rupert; Van Reenen, John
2005The impact of training on productivity and wages: Evidence from British panel dataDearden, Lorraine; Reed, Howard; Van Reenen, John
2006Minimum wages and firm profitabilityDraca, Mirko; Machin, Stephen; Van Reenen, John
2008Bossonomics? The economics of management and productivityBloom, Nick; Van Reenen, John
2010Innovation and institutional ownershipAghion, Philippe; Van Reenen, John; Zingales, Luigi
2011Is distance dying at last? Falling home bias in fixed effects models of patent citationsGriffith, Rachel; Lee, Sokbae; Van Reenen, John
2012The causal effects of an industrial policyCriscuolo, Chiara; Martin, Ralf; Overman, Henry; Van Reenen, John
2012Carbon taxes, path dependency and directed technical change: Evidence from the auto industryAghion, Philippe; Dechezleprêtre, Antoine; Hemous, David; Martin, Ralf; Van Reenen, John
2012What are the channels for technology sourcing? Panel data evidence from German companiesHarhoff, Dietmar; Mueller, Elisabeth; Van Reenen, John
2013Firm size distortions and the productivity distribution: Evidence from FranceGaricano, Luis; Lelarge, Claire; Van Reenen, John
2014Does Management Matter in Schools?Bloom, Nicholas; Lemos, Renata; Sadun, Raffaella; Van Reenen, John
2014The costs and benefits of leaving the EUOttaviano, Gianmarco; Pessoa, João Paulo; Sampson, Thomas; Van Reenen, John
2015Can Helping the Sick Hurt the Able? Incentives, Information and Disruption in a Disability-Related Welfare ReformBagaria, Nitika; Petrongolo, Barbara; Van Reenen, John
2015Can helping the sick hurt the able? Incentives, information and disruption in a disability-related welfare reformBagaria, Nitika; Petrongolo, Barbara; Van Reenen, John