Browsing All of EconStor by Author Ueki, Yasushi

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Impact of production linkages on industrial upgrading in ASEAN, the People's Republic of China, and India: Organizational evidence of a global supply chainMachikita, Tomohiro; Ueki, Yasushi
2014Role of ICT in the innovation process based on firm-level evidence from four ASEAN economies: An SEM approachIdota, Hiroki; Ueki, Yasushi; Bunno, Teruyuki; Shinohara, Sobee; Tsuji, Masatsugu
2015Empirical Analysis of Factors Promoting Product Innovation in ASEAN Economies: Focusing on Absorptive Capacity and ICT UseIdota, Hiroki; Bunno, Teruyuki; Ueki, Yasushi; Shinohara, Sobee
2016Connectivity in the technology transfer process among local ASEAN firmsTsuji, Masatsugu; Idota, Hiroki; Ueki, Yasushi; Shigeno, Hidenori; Bunno, Teruyuki
2016Empirical Analysis on Human Resource Management and ICT Use for Product Innovation among Firms in ASEAN EconomiesIdota, Hiroki; Ueki, Yasushi; Shigeno, Hidenori; Bunno, Teruyuki; Tsuji, Masatsugu
2018ICT and Two Categories of R&D in the Innovation Process among Firms in ASEAN Countries Based on Firm-level Survey DataTsuji, Masatsugu; Ueki, Yasushi; Shigeno, Hidenori; Bunno, Teruyuki; Idota, Hiroki
2018R&D and non-R&D in the innovation process among firms in ASEAN countries: Based on firm-level survey dataTsuji, Masatsugu; Ueki, Yasushi; Shigeno, Hidenori; Idota, Hiroki; Bunno, Teruyuki
2019Effects of customer’s ICT investment and quality control activities on ICT investment decision and data sharing and usage along production networks in Southeast AsiaUeki, Yasushi; Tsuji, Masatsugu
2023The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Innovation Process of Small and Medium-sized Regional FirmsShigeno, Hidenori; Matsuzaki, Taisuke; Ueki, Yasushi; Tsuji, Masatsugu
2024Digital divide among firms in ASEAN before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemicOikawa, Keita; Iwasaki, Fusanori; Ueki, Yasushi; Urata, Shujiro