Browsing All of EconStor by Author Strunz, Sebastian

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Institutions and preferences determine resilience of ecological-economic systemsQuaas, Martin F.; Baumgärtner, Stefan; Derissen, Sandra; Strunz, Sebastian
2009The economic insurance value of ecosystem resilienceBaumgärtner, Stefan; Strunz, Sebastian
2011Is conceptual vagueness an asset? Resilience research from the perspective of philosophy of scienceStrunz, Sebastian
2012The German Energiewende under attack: Is there an irrational Sonderweg?Gawel, Erik; Strunz, Sebastian; Lehmann, Paul
2013Polit-ökonomische Grenzen des Emissionshandels und ihre Implikationen für die klima- und energiepolitische InstrumentenwahlGawel, Erik; Strunz, Sebastian; Lehmann, Paul
2013A public choice view on the climate and energy policy mix in the EU: How do the emissions trading scheme and support for renewable energies interact?Gawel, Erik; Strunz, Sebastian; Lehmann, Paul
2013The German energy transition as a regime shiftStrunz, Sebastian
2014Towards a general "Europeanization" of EU Member States' energy policies?Strunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul
2014Wie viel Europa braucht die Energiewende?Gawel, Erik; Strunz, Sebastian; Lehmann, Paul
2014Energy policy: European, national, regional?Strunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul; Ribera, Teresa; Rüdinger, Andreas; Boscheck, Ralf; Egenhofer, Christian; de Jong, Jacques
2014EU climate and energy policy beyond 2020: Are additional targets and instruments for renewables economically reasonable?Sijm, Jos; Lehmann, Paul; Chewpreecha, Unnada; Gawel, Erik; Mercure, Jean-Francois; Pollitt, Hector; Strunz, Sebastian
2014Between Scylla and Charybdis: On the place of economic methods and concepts within ecological economicsStrunz, Sebastian; Klauer, Bernd; Ring, Irene; Schiller, Johannes
2014On the alleged need to strictly "Europeanize" the German EnergiewendeStrunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul
2015The political economy of renewable energy policies in Germany and the EUStrunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul
2015Klimaabgabe für Kohlekraftwerke: Ein richtiger Schritt zur Erreichung des Klimaziels?Gawel, Erik; Strunz, Sebastian; Peterson, Sonja; Möllring, Hartmut; Elmer, Carl-Friedrich; Faulstich, Martin; Hey, Christian; Höffler, Felix
2015Policy convergence: A conceptual framework based on lessons from renewable energy policies in the EUStrunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul; Söderholm, Patrik
2015Is there a monetary growth imperative?Strunz, Sebastian; Bartkowski, Bartosz; Schindler, Harry
2015The Political Economy of Fostering a Wood-based Bioeconomy in GermanyPannicke, Nadine; Gawel, Erik; Hagemann, Nina; Purkus, Alexandra; Strunz, Sebastian
2016Importabhängigkeit und Energiewende: Ein neues Risikofeld der Versorgungssicherheit?Strunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik
2016A public choice framework for climate adaptation: Barriers to efficient adaptation and lessons learned from German flood disastersGawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul; Strunz, Sebastian; Heuson, Clemens