Browsing All of EconStor by Author Stephan, Sabine

Showing results 1 to 20 of 83
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Leading indicators of German business cycles: An assessment of propertiesFritsche, Ulrich; Stephan, Sabine
2000Aggregation and seasonal adjustment : empirical results for EMU quarterly national accountsWolters, Jürgen; Stephan, Sabine; Rietzler, Katja
2001Savings in Central Eastern EuropeSchrooten, Mechthild; Stephan, Sabine
2001Seasonal Adjustment Methods and the Determination of Turning Points of the EMU Business CycleLommatzsch, Kirsten; Stephan, Sabine
2002Back on track? Savings puzzles in EU-accession countriesSchrooten, Mechthild; Stephan, Sabine
2002German exports to the euro areaStephan, Sabine
2002Deutsche Warenausfuhr in die EWU profitiert vom EuroStephan, Sabine; Vega-Gordaliza, Eva
2002Multiplicative SARIMA modelsChen, Rong; Schulz, Rainerr; Stephan, Sabine
2003Private Savings in Eastern European EU-Accession Countries : Evidence From a Dynamic Panel Data ModelStephan, Sabine; Schrooten, Mechthild
2003Handelsverflechtung mit den USA stark gestiegenStephan, Sabine
2004Does Macroeconomic Policy Affect Private Savings in Europe? Evidence From a Dynamic Panel Data ModelSchrooten, Mechthild; Stephan, Sabine
2005Modelling European Business Cycles (EBC Model): A Macroeconometric Model of Germany ; Version March 2005Duong, Manh Ha; Logeay, Camille; Stephan, Sabine; Zwiener, Rudolf; Yahnych, Serhiy
2005German Exports to the Euro Area - A Cointegration ApproachStephan, Sabine
2005Modelling European Business Cycles (EBC Model): A Macroeconometric Model of FranceLogeay, Camille; Schwenkenberg, Julia; Stephan, Sabine; Proaño-Acosta, Christian; Yahnych, Serhiy
2005Modelling European Business Cycles (EBC Model): A Macroeconometric Model of the Netherlands ; Version April 2005Logeay, Camille; Proaño-Acosta, Christian; Stephan, Sabine; Zwiener, Rudolf; Yahnych, Serhiy
2005Pricing-to-Market Effects in Foreign Trade Prices. Evidence from a Cointegration Approach for GermanyStephan, Sabine
2005Deutschland - ein WelthandelsgewinnerHorn, Gustav A.; Stephan, Sabine
2005Auswirkungen von länderspezifischen Differenzen in der Lohn-, Preisniveau- und Produktivitätsentwicklung auf Wachstum und Beschäftigung in den Ländern des Euroraums: EndberichtFritsche, Ulrich; Logeay, Camille; Lommatzsch, Kirsten; Rietzler, Katja; Stephan, Sabine
2006Arbeitskosten in Deutschland bisher überschätzt: Auswertung der neuen Eurostat-StatistikDüthmann, Anja; Hohlfeld, Peter; Horn, Gustav A., Logeay, Camille; Rietzler, Katja; Stephan, Sabine; Zwiener, Rudolf
2007Preiswerte Arbeit in Deutschland: Auswertung der aktuellen Eurostat-ArbeitskostenstatistikHorn, Gustav A.; Logeay, Camille; Stephan, Sabine; Zwiener, Rudolf