Browsing All of EconStor by Author Stegarescu, Dan
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2002 | Public Sector Centralization and Productivity Growth: Reviewing the German Experience | Stegarescu, Dan; Büttner, Thiess; Behnisch, Alexej |
2004 | Agglomeration, Population Size, and the Cost of Providing Public Services: An Empirical Analysis for German States | Stegarescu, Dan; Schwager, Robert; Büttner, Thiess |
2004 | Public Sector Decentralization: Measurement Concepts and Recent International Trends | Stegarescu, Dan |
2004 | Economic Integration and Fiscal Decentralization: Evidence from OECD Countries | Stegarescu, Dan |
2005 | Centralizing Tendencies in the Public Sector in Germany | Stegarescu, Dan |
2005 | Messkonzepte und Entwicklungen fiskalischer Dezentralisierung | Stegarescu, Dan |
2005 | Non-Profit-Organisationen in Deutschland: Ansatzpunkte für eine Refom des Wohlfahrtsstaats | Kraus, Margit; Stegarescu, Dan |
2005 | Costs, Preferences, and Institutions: An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Government Decentralization | Stegarescu, Dan |
2006 | Transparency and sustainable of budgetary policy in the new EU member states: Executive summary | Heinemann, Friedrich; Hauptmeier, Sebastian; Stegarescu, Dan; Knogler, Michael; Vincentz, Volkhart |
2008 | Eine strenge und mittelfristig stabilisierende Haushaltsregel | Kremer, Jana; Stegarescu, Dan |
2009 | Neue Schuldenregeln: Sicherheitsabstand für eine stetige Finanzpolitik | Kremer, Jana; Stegarescu, Dan |
2009 | Revenue windfalls and expenditure slippages: Disappointing implementation of the reformed stability and growth pact | Lemmer, Astrid; Stegarescu, Dan |
2013 | Does expenditure composition influence the debt level? Evidence from German federal states | Stegarescu, Dan |
2015 | Schuldenbremse 2020: Große Unterschiede beim Konsolidierungsbedarf der Länder | Deubel, Ingolf; Hamker, Jürgen; Rumpf, Dominik; Stegarescu, Dan |
2020 | A fiscal capacity for the euro area: Lessons from existing fiscal-federal systems | Burriel, Pablo; Chronis, Panagiotis; Freier, Maximilian; Hauptmeier, Sebastian; Reiss, Lukas; Stegarescu, Dan; van Parys, Stefan |