Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Spatz, Julius
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 18 von 18
Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2001 | Determinants of business cycles in small scale macroeconomic models: The German case | Maussner, Alfred; Spatz, Julius |
2001 | Globalisierungsverlierer in der Automobilindustrie? Internationaler Wettbewerb und Arbeitsmarkteffekte in Deutschland, Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten | Nunnenkamp, Peter; Spatz, Julius |
2001 | Explaining Intra- and Intersectoral Wage Differentials in Simple General Equilibrium Trade Models | Spatz, Julius |
2002 | Post-reform trends in wage inequality: The case of urban Bolivia | Spatz, Julius; Steiner, Susan |
2002 | Globalization of the automobile industry: traditional locations under pressure? | Spatz, Julius; Nunnenkamp, Peter |
2002 | Globalization of the Automobile Industry - Traditional Locations under Pressure? | Spatz, Julius; Nunnenkamp, Peter |
2002 | Post-reform trends in wage inequality: the case of urban Bolivia | Steiner, Susan; Spatz, Julius |
2002 | Determinants of FDI in Developing Countries: Has Globalization Changed the Rules of the Game? | Nunnenkamp, Peter; Spatz, Julius |
2003 | Determinants of Business Cycles in Small Scale Macroeconomic Models: The German Case | Maußner, Alfred; Spatz, Julius |
2003 | Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment: the role of industry and host-country characteristics | Nunnenkamp, Peter; Spatz, Julius |
2003 | The Impact of Structural Reforms on Wages and Employment: The Case of Formal versus Informal Workers in Bolivia | Spatz, Julius |
2003 | Foreign direct investment and economic growth in developing countries: how relevant are host-country and industry characteristics? | Nunnenkamp, Peter; Spatz, Julius |
2004 | Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment: A disaggregated analysis | Nunnenkamp, Peter; Spatz, Julius |
2004 | Operationalizing pro-poor growth, country case study: Bolivia | Klasen, Stephan; Grosse, Melanie; Thiele, Rainer; Lay, Jann; Spatz, Julius; Wiebelt, Manfred |
2004 | Globalization of the automobile industry: traditional locations under pressure? | Spatz, Julius; Nunnenkamp, Peter |
2005 | Creating national poverty profiles and growth incidence curves with incomplete income or consumption expenditure data: an application to Bolivia | Grosse, Melanie; Klasen, Stephan; Spatz, Julius |
2006 | Creating National Poverty Profiles and Growth Incidence Curves with Incomplete Income or Consumption Expenditure Data: An Application to Bolivia | Spatz, Julius; Klasen, Stephan; Grosse, Melanie |
2009 | Matching Household Surveys with DHS Data to Create Nationally Representative Time Series of Poverty: An Application to Bolivia | Grosse, Melanie; Klasen, Stephan; Spatz, Julius |