Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Smith, Jeremy P.
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2001 | A Hazard Model of the Probability of Medical School Dropout in the United Kingdom | Arulampalam, Wiji; Naylor, Robin A.; Smith, Jeremy P. |
2003 | Effects of In-Class Variation and Student Rank on the Probability of Withdrawal: Cross-Section and Time-Series Analysis for UK University Students | Arulampalam, Wiji; Naylor, Robin A.; Smith, Jeremy P. |
2005 | Doctor who? Who gets admission offers in UK medical schools | Arulampalam, Wiji; Naylor, Robin A.; Smith, Jeremy P. |
2005 | Variations in the wage returns to a first degree: evidence from the British cohort study 1970 | Bratti, Massimiliano; Naylor, Robin A.; Smith, Jeremy P. |
2008 | Am I missing something? The effects of absence from class on student performance | Arulampalam, Wiji; Naylor, Robin A.; Smith, Jeremy P. |