Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Siregar, Hermanto
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2015 | Oil palm expansion among smallholder farmers in Sumatra, Indonesia | Euler, Michael; Schwarze, Stefan; Siregar, Hermanto; Qaim, Matin |
2015 | Farmer heterogeneity and differential livelihood impacts of oil palm expansion among smallholders in Sumatra, Indonesia | Krishna, Vijesh V.; Euler, Michael; Siregar, Hermanto; Fathoni, Zakky; Qaim, Matin |
2015 | Oil palm adoption, household welfare and nutrition among smallholder farmers in Indonesia | Euler, Michael; Krishna, Vijesh; Schwarze, Stefan; Siregar, Hermanto; Qaim, Matin |
2019 | Land-use change, nutrition, and gender roles in Indonesian farm households | Chrisendo, Daniel; Krishna, Vijesh V.; Siregar, Hermanto; Qaim, Matin |
2020 | Oil palm and structural transformation of agriculture in Indonesia | Chrisendo, Daniel; Siregar, Hermanto; Qaim, Matin |