Browsing All of EconStor by Author Shortland, Anja

Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Are Americans more Gung-Ho than Europeans? Some evidence from tourism in Israel during the IntifadaFielding, David; Shortland, Anja
2010Is Government Ownership of Banks Really Harmful to Growth?Andrianova, Svetlana; Demetriades, Panicos; Shortland, Anja
2010Foreign interventions and abuse of civilians during the Peruvian civil warFielding, David; Shortland, Anja
2010The Business of Piracy in SomaliaShortland, Anja
2010Gov-arrrgh-nance: Jolly Rogers and Dodgy Rulersde Groot, Olaf J.; Shortland, Anja
2010Gov-arrrgh-nance: Jolly Rogers and Dodgy RulersDe Groot, Olaf J.; Shortland, Anja
2010Staatliche Banken können schwache Bankenregulierung kompensierenShortland, Anja
2010Piraterie ist nicht nur für die Somalier ein gutes Geschäft: Sieben Fragen an Anja ShortlandShortland, Anja; Wittenberg, Erich
2010Regionality revisited: An examination of the direction of spread of currency crisisDasgupta, Amil; Leon-Gonzalez, Roberto; Shortland, Anja
2010Piraterie in Somalia: ein gutes Geschäft für VieleShortland, Anja
2010Combating 'maritime terrorism' off the coast of SomaliaShortland, Anja; Vothknecht, Marc
2010How do tourists react to political violence? An empirical analysis of tourism in EgyptFielding, David; Shortland, Anja
2011"Robin Hook": The Developmental Effects of Somali PiracyShortland, Anja
2011Gov-aargh-nance: "Even Criminals Need Law and Order"de Groot, Olaf J.; Rablen, Matthew D.; Shortland, Anja
2011Marine-Einsatz vor Somalia: mehr als eine Sisyphusarbeit?Shortland, Anja; Vothknecht, Marc
2011"Robin Hook": The developmental effects of Somali piracyShortland, Anja
2011Wo die Piratenflaggen wehende Groot, Olaf J.; Shortland, Anja
2011The Business of Piracy in SomaliaPercy, Sarah; Shortland, Anja
2011Combating "Maritime Terrorism" off the Coast of SomaliaShortland, Anja; Vothknecht, Marc
2011Anarchie ist auch für Piraten schlecht: Sieben Fragen an Anja ShortlandShortland, Anja; Zummack, Karsten