Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Shefer, Daniel
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
1998 | Technological incubators as creators of high-tech firms in Israel | Shefer, Daniel; Modena, Vittorio |
1998 | Industrial characteristics, production milieu and regional innovation: A comparison of Israel and German industrial plants | Frenkel, Amnon; Shefer, Daniel; Koschatzky, Knut; Walter, Gunter |
2004 | Modeling adoption of innovations in agriculture using discrete choice models | Shefer, Daniel; Cohen, Mordechai; Bekhor, Shlomo |
2010 | The economic value of conservation: Some empirical results | Shefer, Daniel; Salinger, Eyal |
2011 | The Center-periphery Dilemma and the Issue of Equity in Regional Development | Shefer, Daniel |
2014 | Sustainable Transportation and Urban Development | Shefer, Daniel |