Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Sekkel, Rodrigo

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 12 von 12
2014International Spillovers of Policy UncertaintyKlößner, Stefan; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2016The real-time properties of the Bank of Canada's staff output gap estimatesChampagne, Julien; Poulin-Bellisle, Guillaume; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2016Macroeconomic uncertainty through the lens of professional forecastersJo, Soojin; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2016The global financial cycle, monetary policies and macroprudential regulations in small, open economiesBauer, Gregory; Pasricha, Gurnain; Sekkel, Rodrigo; Terajima, Yaz
2017A dynamic factor model for nowcasting Canadian GDP growthChernis, Tony; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2017Changes in monetary regimes and the identification of monetary policy shocks: Narrative evidence from CanadaChampagne, Julien; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2018Evaluating the Bank of Canada staff economic projections using a new database of real-time data and forecastsChampagne, Julien; Bellisle, Guillaume-Poulin; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2018Nowcasting Canadian economic activity in an uncertain environmentChernis, Tony; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2022Uncertainty and monetary policy experimentation: Empirical challenges and insights from academic literatureCacciatore, Matteo; Matveev, Dmitry; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2023Central bank forecasting: A surveyBinder, Carola Conces; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2024U.S. Macroeconomic news and low-frequency changes in small open economies' bond yieldsXing, Bingxin Ann; Feunou, Bruno; Nongni-Donfack, Morvan; Sekkel, Rodrigo
2024The output-inflation trade-off in CanadaGnocchi, Stefano; McKellips, Fanny; Sekkel, Rodrigo; Simon, Laure; Xie, Yinxi; Zhang, Yang