Browsing All of EconStor by Author Schwarz, Christian

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Is there a Walrasian Equilibrium in Exchange Markets with Endowment Effect?Schwarz, Christian; Stroinski, Uwe
2010Strategic Technology Investments in Open EconomiesBohnstedt, Anna; Schwarz, Christian
2010Global sourcing of complex production processesSchwarz, Christian; Suedekum, Jens
2010Globalization and strategic research investmentsBohnstedt, Anna; Schwarz, Christian; Suedekum, Jens
2010Durchleitungsexternalitäten der gemeinsamen Netznutzung in der TrinkwasserversorgungRüttgers, Christian; Schwarz, Christian
2011Trade, Wages, FDI and ProductivityGiesen, Kristian; Schwarz, Christian
2011Global sourcing of complex production processesSchwarz, Christian; Suedekum, Jens
2012On the organizational structure of multinational firms: Which sourcing mode for which input?Suedekum, Jens; Nowak, Verena; Schwarz, Christian
2012On the organizational structure of multinational firms: Which sourcing mode for which Input?Nowak, Verena; Schwarz, Christian; Suedekum, Jens
2013Global sourcing of complex production processesSchwarz, Christian; Suedekum, Jens
2014Asymmetric spiders: Supplier heterogeneity and the organization of firmsNowak, Verena; Schwarz, Christian; Suedekum, Jens
2018Perceived fairness in the taxation of a digital business modelGreil, Stefan; Schwarz, Christian; Stein, Stefan
2018Fairness and the arm's length principle in a digital economyGreil, Stefan; Schwarz, Christian; Stein, Stefan
2019Country-by-Country-Reporting und die Substanzfrage: Mitarbeiterverhältnisse als ReferenzgrößeWeinert, Stephan; Schwarz, Christian
2024Proaktives Kundenbindungsmanagement im Werbeartikelhandel: Entwicklung eines Machine-Learning-Modells zur Prognose von KundenabwanderungenSchemm, Jan; Schwarz, Christian; Strickrodt, Marc