Browsing All of EconStor by Author Schnitzer, Monika

Showing results 1 to 20 of 66
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Disorganization and Financial CollapseMarin, Dalia; Schnitzer, Monika
2003Technology Transfer and Spillovers in International Joint VenturesMüller, Thomas; Schnitzer, Monika
2005Technology Transfer and Spillovers in International Joint VenturesMüller, Thomas; Schnitzer, Monika
2006When is FDI a Capital Flow?Marin, Dalia; Schnitzer, Monika
2006Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host CountriesLehner, Maria; Schnitzer, Monika
2006Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host CountriesLehner, Maria; Schnitzer, Monika
2006Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership StructureMugele, Christian; Schnitzer, Monika
2006Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership StructureMugele, Christian; Schnitzer, Monika
2006Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host CountriesLehner, Maria; Schnitzer, Monika
2006When is FDI a Capital Flow?Marin, Dalia; Schnitzer, Monika
2007FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry-Level ViewArndt, Christian; Buch, Claudia M.; Schnitzer, Monika
2007Who is Afraid of Political Risk? Multinational Firms and their Choice of Capital StructureKesternich, Iris; Schnitzer, Monika
2008A Model of Vertical Oligopolistic CompetitionReisinger, Markus; Schnitzer, Monika
2008A Model of Vertical Oligopolistic CompetitionReisinger, Markus; Schnitzer, Monika
2009Financial constraints and the margins of FDIBuch, Claudia M.; Kesternich, Iris; Lipponer, Alexander; Schnitzer, Monika
2009Financial Constraints and the Margins of FDIBuch, Claudia M.; Kesternich, Iris; Lipponer, Alexander; Schnitzer, Monika
2009Who is afraid of political risk? Multinational firms and their choice of capital structureKesternich, Iris; Schnitzer, Monika
2009Financial constraints and the margins of FDIBuch, Claudia M.; Kesternich, Iris; Lipponer, Alexander; Schnitzer, Monika
2009Creditor Rights and Debt Allocation within MultinationalsAkbel, Basak; Schnitzer, Monika
2009Financial Constraints and the Margins of FDIBuch, Claudia M.; Kesternich, Iris; Lipponer, Alexander; Schnitzer, Monika