Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Schneider, Georg
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2010 | The impact of profit taxation on capitalized investment with options to delay and divest | Schneider, Georg; Sureth, Caren |
2012 | Asymmetric taxation of profits and losses and its influence on investment timing: Paradoxical effects of tax increases | Mehrmann, Annika; Schneider, Georg; Sureth, Caren |
2013 | The impact of corporate taxes and flexibility on entrepreneurial decisions with moral hazard and simultaneous firm and personal level taxation | Meißner, Fabian; Schneider, Georg; Sureth, Caren |
2014 | Do investors request advance tax rulings to alleviate tax risk (and do tax authorities provide them)? A joint taxpayers' and tax authorities' view on investment behavior | Diller, Markus; Kortebusch, Pia; Schneider, Georg; Sureth, Caren |
2015 | Boon or bane of advance tax rulings as a measure to mitigate tax uncertainty and foster investment | Diller, Markus; Kortebusch, Pia; Schneider, Georg; Sureth, Caren |
2021 | Is consistency the panacea? Inconsistent or consistent tax transfer prices with strategic taxpayer and tax authority behavior | Diller, Markus; Lorenz, Johannes; Schneider, Georg; Sureth, Caren |
2022 | Die volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten der Sanktionen in Bezug auf Russland | Flach, Lisandra; Larch, Maria; Yotov, Yoto; Braml, Martin; Gröschl, Jasmin Katrin; Teti, Feodora; Steininger, Marina Gabriele; Schneider, Georg |
2022 | The (Non-)Neutrality of Value-Added Taxation | Schneider, Georg; Stähler, Frank; Thunecke, Georg U. |
2024 | Die EU-Operation Eunavfor Aspides: Geoökonomie und Geopolitik stehen (noch) in einem Missverhältnis | Kempin, Ronja; Schneider, Georg |