Browsing All of EconStor by Author Scharf, Kimberley Ann

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001The Political Economy of Policy Centralization: Direct Versus Representative DemocracyRedoano, Michela; Scharf, Kimberley Ann
2013Private Provision of Public Goods and Information Diffusion in Social GroupsScharf, Kimberley Ann
2013Impure Prosocial Motivation in Charity Provision: Warm-Glow Charities and Implications for Public FundingScharf, Kimberley Ann
2014Relational Warm Glow and Giving in Social GroupsScharf, Kimberley Ann; Smith, Sarah
2014Are Donors Afraid of Charities' Core Costs? Scale Economies in Non-profit Provision and Charity SelectionPerroni, Carlo; Pogrebna, Ganna; Sandford, Sarah; Scharf, Kimberley Ann
2016Relational Altruism and Giving in Social GroupsScharf, Kimberley Ann; Smith, Sarah
2017More Giving or More Givers? The Effects of Tax Incentives on Charitable Donations in the UKAlmunia, Miguel; Lockwood, Benjamin; Scharf, Kimberley Ann
2017Lift and Shift: The Effect of Fundraising Interventions in Charity Space and TimeScharf, Kimberley Ann; Smith, Sarah; Ottoni-Wilhelm, Mark
2019More Giving or More Givers? The Effects of Tax Incentives on Charitable Donations in the UKAlmunia, Miguel; Guceri, Irem; Lockwood, Ben; Scharf, Kimberley Ann; Lockwood, Benjamin
2021Does Online Salience Predict Charitable Giving? Evidence from SMS Text DonationsPerroni, Carlo; Scharf, Kimberley Ann; Talavera, Oleksandr; Vi, Linh
2021A Snapshot of Public Finance Research from Immediately Prior to the Pandemic: IIPF 2020Agrawal, David R.; Davies, Ronald B.; LaLumia, Sara; Riedel, Nadine; Scharf, Kimberley Ann