Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Sauer, Robert M.

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2002Educational financing and lifetime earningsSauer, Robert M.
2002Doctors Without Borders: The Returns to an Occupational License for Soviet Immigrant Physicians in IsraelKugler, Adriana D.; Sauer, Robert M.
2006The labor market costs of conflict: closures, foreign workers, and Palestinian employment and earningsMiaari, Sami H.; Sauer, Robert M.
2006Classification error in dynamic discrete choice models: implications for female labor supply behaviorKeane, Michael P.; Sauer, Robert M.
2006Life cycle employment and fertility across institutional environmentsDel Boca, Daniela; Sauer, Robert M.
2007Why develop open source software? The role of non-pecuniary benefits, monetary rewards and open source licence typeSauer, Robert M.
2009A computationally practical simulation estimation algorithm for dynamic panel data models with unobserved endogenous state variablesKeane, Michael P.; Sauer, Robert M.
2012Does it pay for women to volunteer?Sauer, Robert M.
2013Does It Pay to Work for Free? Wage Returns and Gender Differences in the Market for VolunteersCozzi, Guido; Mantovan, Noemi; Sauer, Robert M.
2015The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs: New Evidence on Gender Differences in Liquidity ConstraintsSauer, Robert M.; Wilson, Tanya
2017Indirect Inference with Importance Sampling: An Application to Women's Wage GrowthSauer, Robert M.; Taber, Christopher
2018The dynamics of domestic violence: Learning about the matchAnderberg, Dan; Mantovan, Noemi; Sauer, Robert M.
2018The Dynamics of Domestic Violence: Learning about the MatchAnderberg, Dan; Mantovan, Noemi; Sauer, Robert M.
2019The Economic Benefits of Volunteering and Social ClassSauer, Robert M.; Wilson, John; Mantovan, Noemi
2020Child Health, Remote Work and the Female Wage PenaltyKouki, Amairisa; Sauer, Robert M.
2021The Effect of Work Schedule Control on Volunteering among Early Career EmployeesMantovan, Noemi; Sauer, Robert M.; Wilson, John
2021The Dynamics of Domestic Violence: Learning About the MatchAnderberg, Dan; Mantovan, Noemi; Sauer, Robert M.
2022Remote Work, Children's Health and the Racial Gap in Female WagesKouki, Amairisa; Sauer, Robert M.
2024How Important Are Mental and Physical Health in Career and Family Choices?Cozzi, Guido; Mantovan, Noemi; Sauer, Robert M.