Browsing All of EconStor by Author Sandner, Malte

Showing results 1 to 20 of 43
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Zur Effizienz früher Hilfen: Forschungsdesign und erste Ergebnisse eines randomisierten kontrollierten ExperimentsLutz, Peter F.; Sandner, Malte
2012The effects of early childhood intervention on child development and early skill formation. Evidence from a randomized experiment.Sandner, Malte
2013Effects of early childhood intervention on child development and early skill formation: Evidence from a randomized controlled trailSandner, Malte
2013Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of a Student Mentoring ProgramSandner, Malte
2013Effects of early childhood intervention on maternal employment, fertility and well-being: Evidence from a randomized controlled trailSandner, Malte
2015Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Maternal Employment, Fertility and Well-Being: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled TrialSandner, Malte
2015Effects of early childhood intervention on fertility and maternal employment: Evidence from a randomized controlled trialSandner, Malte
2016Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Fertility and Maternal Employment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled TrialSandner, Malte
2016Naturalisation and on-the-job training: Evidence from first-generation immigrants in Germanyvon Haaren-Giebel, Friederike; Sandner, Malte
2016How much can we trust maternal ratings of early child development in disadvantaged samples?Sandner, Malte; Jungmann, Tanja
2017Evaluating the Effects of a Targeted Home Visiting Program on Maternal and Child Health OutcomesSandner, Malte; Cornelissen, Thomas; Jungmann, Tanja; Herrmann, Peggy
2018The Effects of Universal Public Childcare Provision on Cases of Child Neglect and AbuseSandner, Malte; Thomsen, Stephan L.
2018Modellprojekt für benachteiligte Familien: Intensive Begleitung hilft Müttern und KindernSandner, Malte
2018The Effect of Changes in Border Regimes on Border Regions Crime Rates: Evidence from the Schengen TreatySandner, Malte; Wassmann, Pia
2020The effects of home visiting on mother-child interactions: Evidence from a randomised trial using dynamic micro-level dataConti, Gabriella; Poupakis, Stavros; Sandner, Malte; Kliem, Sören
2020Preventing child maltreatment: Beneficial side effects of public childcare provisionSandner, Malte; Thomsen, Stephan L.
2020Schulschließungen, fehlende Ausbildungsplätze, keine Jobs: Generation ohne Zukunft?Anger, Silke; Sandner, Malte; Danzer, Alexander M.; Plünnecke, Axel; Köller, Olaf; Weber, Enzo; Mühlemann, Samuel; Pfeifer, Harald; Wittek, Bernhard
2020The Effects of Home Visiting on Mother-Child Interactions: Evidence from a Randomised Trial Using Dynamic Micro-Level DataConti, Gabriella; Poupakis, Stavros; Sandner, Malte; Kliem, Sören
2021The impact of Covid-19 related school policies on students in their final high school yearsSandner, Malte; Anger, Silke; Dietrich, Hans; Bernhard, Sarah; Patzina, Alexander
2021Abiturjahrgang 2020: Ohne Abiball zum Studium - Allein am Bildschirm bricht die Lebenszufriedenheit einAnger, Silke; Bernhard, Sarah; Dietrich, Hans; Lerche, Adrian; Patzina, Alexander; Sandner, Malte; Toussaint, Carina