Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Salomone, Sara
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2010 | Migration and networks: Does education matter more than gender? | Beine, Michel; Salomone, Sara |
2011 | Remittances, migrants' education and immigration policy: Theory and evidence from bilateral data | Docquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel; Salomone, Sara |
2011 | Remittances, migrants' education and immigration policy: Theory and evidence from bilateral data | Docquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel; Salomone, Sara |
2011 | Remittances, Migrants' Education and Immigration Policy: Theory and Evidence from Bilateral Data | Docquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel; Salomone, Sara |
2014 | Changes in Migration Patterns and Remittances: Do Female and Skilled Migrants remit more? | Le Goff, Maëlan; Salomone, Sara |
2015 | Female Migration: A Way out of Discrimination? | Ruyssen, Ilse; Salomone, Sara |