Browsing All of EconStor by Author Ruof, Jörg

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Patient relevant endpoints in oncology: Current issues in the context of early benefit assessment in GermanyDabisch, Inna; Dethling, Jürgen; Dintsios, Charalabos-Markos; Drechsler, Melanie; Kalanovic, Daniel; Kaskel, Peter; Langer, Frank; Ruof, Jörg; Ruppert, Thorsten; Wirth, Daniel
2016Comparison of post-authorisation measures from regulatory authorities with additional evidence requirements from the HTA body in Germany: Are additional data requirements by the Federal Joint Committee justified?Ruof, Jörg; Staab, Thomas; Dintsios, Charalabos-Markos; Schröter, Jakob; Schwartz, Friedrich Wilhelm
2019Different interpretation of additional evidence for HTA by the commissioned HTA body and the commissioning decision maker in Germany: Whenever IQWiG and Federal Joint Committee disagreeDintsios, C. M.; Worm, F.; Ruof, Jörg; Herpers, M.
2022How can a joint European health technology assessment provide an "additional benefit" over the current standard of national assessments?Julian, Elaine; Gianfrate, Fabrizio; de Sola-Morales, Oriol; Mol, Peter; Bergmann, Jean-François; Salmonson, Tomas; Hebborn, Ansgar; Grande, Mathilde; Ruof, Jörg
2022Shaping a research agenda to ensure a successful European health technology assessment: Insights generated during the inaugural convention of the European Access AcademyJulian, Elaine; Pavlovic, Mira; de Sola-Morales, Oriol; Gianfrate, Fabrizio; Toumi, Mondher; Bucher, Heiner C. C.; Dierks, Christian; Greiner, Wolfgang; Mol, Peter; Bergmann, Jean-François; Salmonson, Tomas; Hebborn, Ansgar; Grande, Mathilde; Cardone, Antonella; Ruof, Jörg