Browsing All of EconStor by Author Rucci, Graciana
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | The effect of temporary contracts on human capital accumulation in Chile | Carpio, Susana; Giuliodori, David; Rucci, Graciana; Stucchi, Rodolfo |
2015 | Training Vouchers and Labor Market Outcomes in Chile | Kaplan, David S.; Novella, Rafael; Rucci, Graciana; Vazquez, Claudia |
2015 | The Effect of Mandated Child Care on Female Wages in Chile | Prada, María; Rucci, Graciana; Urzúa, Sergio |
2015 | Returns to Higher Education in Chile and Colombia | González-Velosa, Carolina; Rucci, Graciana; Sarzosa, Miguel; Urzúa, Sergio |
2018 | Wage inequality in Latin America: Learning from matched employer-employee data | Muñoz S., Ercio; Rucci, Graciana; Saltiel, Fernando; Urzua, Sergio |
2018 | Should I stay or should I go? Career choices for young workers in Latin America | Martínez Heredia, Diana; Rucci, Graciana; Saltiel, Fernando; Urzúa, Sergio |
2019 | Training, Soft Skills and Productivity: Evidence from a Field Experiment | Prada, Maria; Rucci, Graciana; Urzua, Sergio |
2019 | Training, soft skills and productivity: Evidence from a field experiment in retail | Prada, María F.; Rucci, Graciana; Urzua, Sergio |