Browsing All of EconStor by Author Preston, Bruce

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001Empirical likelihood-based model selection criteria for moment condition modelsHong, Han; Preston, Bruce; Shum, Matthew
2003Learning about monetary policy rules when long-horizon expectations matterPreston, Bruce
2008Monetary policy and uncertainty in an empirical small open economy modelJustiniano, Alejandro; Preston, Bruce
2008Stabilizing expectations under monetary and fiscal policy coordinationEusepi, Stefano; Preston, Bruce
2009Can structural small open economy models account for the influence of foreign disturbances?Justiniano, Alejandro; Preston, Bruce
2009Labor supply heterogeneity and macroeconomic comovementEusepi, Stefano; Preston, Bruce
2011Learning the fiscal theory of the price level: Some consequences of debt management policyEusepi, Stefano; Preston, Bruce
2012Long-term debt pricing and monetary policy transmissionEusepi, Stefano; Giannoni, Marc; Preston, Bruce
2013Fiscal foundations of inflation: Imperfect knowledgeEusepi, Stefano; Preston, Bruce
2016The science of monetary policy: An imperfect knowledge perspectiveEusepi, Stefano; Preston, Bruce
2021Forward guidance with unanchored expectationsEusepi, Stefano; Gibbs, Chris; Preston, Bruce
2021Taylor rule estimation by OLSViana de Carvalho, Carlos; Eusepi, Stefano; Mönch, Emanuel; Preston, Bruce
2021Anchored inflation expectationsViana de Carvalho, Carlos; Eusepi, Stefano; Mönch, Emanuel; Preston, Bruce
2021The term structure of expectationsCrump, Richard K.; Eusepi, Stefano; Mönch, Emanuel; Preston, Bruce