Browsing All of EconStor by Author Pollermann, Kim

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006Entstehung und Funktionsweise von Regional Governance bei dem Gemeinschaftsgut Natur und Landschaft. Analysen von Place-making- und Governance-Prozessen in Biosphärenreservaten in Deutschland und GroßbritannienFürst, Dietrich; Lahner, Marion; Pollermann, Kim
2013Contributions for the quality of life through a participative approach for rural development – Experiences from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Eastern Germany)Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2013Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung und kooperativer Naturschutz in Süd-Korea. Governance-Prozesse im Jeju Island Biosphere Reserve im Vergleich mit Biosphärenreservaten in Deutschland und GroßbritannienPollermann, Kim
2014-08Multi-level Governance in rural development: Analysing experiences from LEADER for a Community-Led Local Development (CLLD)Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2015The LEADER process as a European policy for local development: A comparison of the implementation in three European member statesBerriet-Solliec, Marielle; Laidin, Catherine; Lépicier, Denis; Pham, Hai Vu; Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2016Implementation and impacts of the LEADER-approach – reflections on the intervention logic of a participatory approach for rural developmentPollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2016Refugees and rural development: Chances from migration and challenges of integrationPollermann, Kim
2017Input for and output of local governance in rural developmentPollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2018Der ELER in der gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2020: Wie bewerten EvaluatorInnen die europäischen Verordnungsentwürfe?Fährmann, Barbara; Grajewski, Regina; Bergschmidt, Angela; Fengler, Birgit; Franz, Kristin; Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Roggendorf, Wolfgang; Sander, Achim
2018Participants in participative processes – who they are and what they think about participationPollermann, Kim
2018Governance of policy at a local level LEADER programs analysisBerriet-Solliec, Marielle; Laidin, Catherine; Lépicier, Denis; Pham, Hai Vu; Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2019Participation in rural development – the view of non-participantsPollermann, Kim
2021What are favouring conditions for the implementation of innovative projects in Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) approaches?Pollermann, Kim; Fynn, Lynn-Livia; Schwarze, Stefan
2021Performance of LEADER – explanatory variables for outputs of a place-based and participative approachPollermann, Kim; Fynn, Lynn-Livia
2021Regional Governance: Begriffe, Wirkungszusammenhänge und EvaluationsansätzePollermann, Kim
2021Place-based and participative approaches: reflections for policy design in rural developmentPollermann, Kim; Fynn, Lynn-Livia
2022Gender representation and related effects in planning for rural developmentPollermann, Kim; Fynn, Lynn-Livia
2023Fostering (supra-)regional cooperation through LEADER/CLLDFynn, Lynn-Livia; Pollermann, Kim