Browsing All of EconStor by Author Plehwe, Dieter

Showing results 1 to 20 of 31
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1989Future's past: "Deregulierung" in den USA: Vorbild für Europa?Plehwe, Dieter
1990Change and concentration in the world rubber industry: an ICEF sector studyPlehwe, Dieter
1993Schlüsselkonzerne im TransportsektorPlehwe, Dieter
1994Markt-Wissenschaft: Entstehung und Wirkung der "Deregulierungswissenschaft"Plehwe, Dieter
1994Neue Logistik für deutsche Konzerne: "Deregulierung", Lean Production und Großfusionen in der SpeditionsbranchePlehwe, Dieter
1994Arbeitsbeziehungen in "deregulierten" Güterverkehrsmärkten: der Streik der Teamsters im US-amerikanischen Trucking- und SpeditionsgewerbePlehwe, Dieter
1998Transformation der LogistikPlehwe, Dieter
1999Why and how do national monopolies go global? International competition, supranational regionalism and the transnational reorganization of postal and logistics companies in EuropePlehwe, Dieter
2007Transformation Europäischer Governance: (Europa)Rechtliche Dimensionen. Eine vergleichende quantitative Analyse heterogener Europäisierungsprozesse im Politikfeld VerkehrPlehwe, Dieter
2010The making of a comprehensive transnational discourse communityPlehwe, Dieter
2013Converging on strike revisited: Deregulation and the rise of low cost employment regimes in the European airline industryPlehwe, Dieter
2014Europäische und zivilgesellschaftliche Hintergründe der euro(pa)skeptischen Partei Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)Plehwe, Dieter; Schlögl, Matthias
2016Time to go beyond interstate federalism - or something different? The response of new pro-European think tanks to the EU integration crisisPlehwe, Dieter; Krämer, Werner; Neujeffski, Moritz; Meland, Alexander; Guérot, Ulrike
2017Economists and the welfare state. Text on the key note at the IFIP annual conference, June 9, 2017Plehwe, Dieter
2017Social networks of influence in Europe - and beyondPlehwe, Dieter
2018Saving the dangerous idea: austerity think tank networks in the European UnionPlehwe, Dieter; Neujeffski, Moritz; Krämer, Werner
2018Complexity and Simplification: European Policy Think TanksPlehwe, Dieter
2019Critical policy studies and the politics of authoritarian neoliberalismPlehwe, Dieter; Dodge, Jennifer
2019Neoliberal und ökologisch?Plehwe, Dieter
2019Einleitung: Lobbyismus und DemokratiePlehwe, Dieter