Browsing All of EconStor by Author Pittman, Russell

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006Abuse of Dominance Enforcement under Latin American Competition LawsTineo, Maria Coppola; Pittman, Russell
2007Consumer Surplus as the Appropriate Standard for Antitrust EnforcementPittman, Russell
2007Will the Train Ever Leave the Station? The Private Provision of Freight Railway Service in Russia and Central and Eastern EuropePittman, Russell; Diaconu, Oana; Šip, Emanual; Tomová, Anna; Wronka, Jerzy
2008Electricity Restructuring in China: The Elusive Quest for CompetitionPittman, Russell; Zhang, Vanessa Yanhua
2009Railway Mergers and Railway Alliances: Competition Issues and Lessons for Other Network IndustriesPittman, Russell
2009Competition Issues in Restructuring Ports and Railways, Including Brief Consideration of these Sectors in IndiaPittman, Russell
2009Who Are You Calling Irrational? Marginal Costs, Variable Costs, and the Pricing Practices of FirmsPittman, Russell
2010The Economics of Railroad "Captive Shipper" LegislationPittman, Russell
2011Blame the Switchman? Russian Railways Restructuring After Ten YearsPittman, Russell
2012The Proposed Merger of AT&T and T-Mobile: Are There Unexhausted Scale Economies in U.S. Mobile Telephony?Pittman, Russell
2016The Strange Career of Independent Voting Trusts in U.S. Rail MergersPittman, Russell
2017Pricing of Complements in the U.S. Freight Railroads: Cournot Versus CoaseAlexandrov, Alexei; Pittman, Russell; Ukhaneva, Olga
2017Three Economist’s Tools for Antitrust Analysis: A Non-Technical IntroductionPittman, Russell