Browsing All of EconStor by Author Palovic, Martin

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Regulatorische Herausforderungen für Multi-Use-Speicher in Stromverteilnetzen: Ein AusschreibungsmodellMeyer, Roland; Brunekreeft, Gert; Palovic, Martin; Speiser, Daniel
2020Thesenpapier: Ökonomische & regulatorische Fragestellungen zum enera-FlexMarktBrunekreeft, Gert; Buchmann, Marius; Höckner, Jonas; Palovic, Martin; Voswinkel, Simon; Weber, Christoph
2021Strategisches Verhalten bei marktbasiertem Redispatch: Die internationalen ErfahrungenPalovic, Martin; Brandstätt, Christine; Brunekreeft, Gert; Buchmann, Marius
2022PolyGrid 2050: Integrating hydrogen into the European energy transfer infrastructure landscapePalovic, Martin; Poudineh, Rahmatallah
2022Making market-based redispatch efficient: How to alter distribution effects without distorting the generation dispatch?Palovic, Martin
2022Coordination of power network operators as a game-theoretical problemPalovic, Martin
2023Future of Gas: Umgang mit stranded asset Risiken bei der ErdgasinfrastrukturBuchmann, Marius; Brunekreeft, Gert; Palovic, Martin; Anna Pechan, Anna
2023Resilience regulation: An incentive scheme for regulated electricity network operators to improve resilienceBrunekreeft, Gert; Buchmann, Marius; Palovic, Martin; Pechan, Anna
2023Risks and incentives for gaming in electricity redispatch marketsPechan, Anna; Brandstätt, Christine; Brunekreeft, Gert; Palovic, Martin
2023Increasing resilience of electricity networks: Auctioning of priority supply to minimize outage costsPechan, Anna; Brunekreeft, Gert; Palovic, Martin
2024Policy measures to apply the Whole System Approach (WSA) in energy infrastructuresBrunekreeft, Gert; Bauknecht, Dierk; Palovic, Martin; Pechan, Anna; Flachsbarth, Franziska; Koch, Matthias
2024TSO coordination and strategic behaviour: A game theoretical and simulation model study based on the German electricity gridFlachsbarth, Franziska; Pechan, Anna; Palovic, Martin; Koch, Matthias; Bauknecht, Dierk; Brunekreeft, Gert