Browsing All of EconStor by Author Palan, Stefan
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Two heads are less bubbly than one: team decision-making in an experimental asset market | Cheung, Stephen L.; Palan, Stefan |
2011 | Inducing low-carbon investment in the electric power industry through a price floor for emissions trading | Brauneis, Alexander; Loretz, Michael; Mestel, Roland; Palan, Stefan |
2012 | To see is to believe: Common expectations in experimental asset markets | Cheung, Stephen L.; Hedegaard, Morten; Palan, Stefan |
2013 | Of coordinators and dictators: A public goods experiment | Fleiß, Jürgen; Palan, Stefan |
2014 | Friendliness pays off! Monetary and immaterial gifts in consumer-salesperson interactions | Kirchler, Michael; Palan, Stefan |
2016 | Immaterial and monetary gifts in economic transactions: Evidence from the field | Kirchler, Michael; Palan, Stefan |
2019 | Status and Reputation Nudging | Rose, Julia; Kirchler, Michael; Palan, Stefan |
2020 | Earnings autocorrelation and the post-earnings-announcement drift: Experimental evidence | Fink, Josef; Palan, Stefan; Theissen, Erik |
2021 | A Critical Perspective on the Conceptualization of Risk in Behavioral and Experimental Finance | Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Christoph; Palan, Stefan |