Browsing All of EconStor by Author Nurmi, Satu
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | Employment dynamics and openness to trade in Finnish manufacturing | Nurmi, Satu |
2004 | Do foreign players change the nature of the game among local entrepreneurs? | Maliranta, Mika; Nurmi, Satu |
2004 | Analyzing entrepreneurship with the Finnish Linked Employer-Employee Data (FLEED): Matching and qualitative properties of the data | Maliranta, Mika; Nurmi, Satu |
2007 | It takes three to tango in employment: Matching vocational education organisations, students and companies in labour markets | Maliranta, Mika; Nurmi, Satu; Virtanen, Hanna |
2007 | Does foreign presence stimulate creative destruction in local markets? | Maliranta, Mika; Nurmi, Satu |
2016 | Business Owners, Employees and Firm Performance | Maliranta, Mika; Nurmi, Satu |
2019 | Maahanmuuttajien yritystoiminnan merkitys Suomen työllisyyden ja tuottavuuden yritysdynamiikalle | Maliranta, Mika; Nurmi, Satu |
2020 | The life and death of zombies: Evidence from government subsidies to firms | Nurmi, Satu; Vanhala, Juuso; Virén, Matti E. E. |
2024 | Does gender of firm ownership matter? Female entrepreneurs and the gender pay gap | Kritikos, Alexander; Maliranta, Mika; Nippala, Veera; Nurmi, Satu |
2024 | Does gender of firm ownership matter? Female entrepreneurs and the gender pay gap | Kritikos, Alexander S.; Maliranta, Mika; Nippala, Veera; Nurmi, Satu |