Browsing All of EconStor by Author Netzer, Nick

Showing results 1 to 20 of 42
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Taxation, Insurance and Precautionary LaborNetzer, Nick; Scheuer, Florian
2006Competitive Screening in Insurance Markets with Endogenous Labor SupplyNetzer, Nick; Scheuer, Florian
2008Competitive Markets without CommitmentNetzer, Nick; Scheuer, Florian
2009Competitive screening in insurance markets with endogenous wealth heterogeneityNetzer, Nick; Scheuer, Florian
2010Rotten kids with bad intentionsNetzer, Nick; Schmutzler, Armin
2010Probability weighting as evolutionary second-bestHerold, Florian; Netzer, Nick
2012Robust stochastic stabilityFerrer-Alós, Carlos; Netzer, Nick
2012Mechanim design and intentionsBierbrauer, Felix; Netzer, Nick
2014An externality-robust auction: Theory and experimental evidenceBartling, Björn; Netzer, Nick
2014Mechanism design and intentionsBierbrauer, Felix; Netzer, Nick
2014Robust stochastic stabilityFerrer-Alós, Carlos; Netzer, Nick
2014An Externality-Robust Auction: Theory and Experimental EvidenceBartling, Björn; Netzer, Nick
2015Informational Requirements of NudgingBenkert, Jean-Michel; Netzer, Nick
2015An externality-robust auction: Theory and experimental evidenceBartling, Björn; Netzer, Nick
2015Informational requirements of nudgingBenkert, Jean-Michel; Netzer, Nick
2016Does the absence of human sellers bias bidding behavior in auction experiments?Bartling, Björn; Gesche, Tobias; Netzer, Nick
2016Mechanism design and intentionsBierbrauer, Felix; Netzer, Nick
2016Informational requirements of nudgingBenkert, Jean-Michel; Netzer, Nick
2016An externality-robust auction: Theory and experimental evidenceBartling, Björn; Netzer, Nick
2017Delegating performance evaluationLetina, Igor; Liu, Shuo; Netzer, Nick