Browsing All of EconStor by Author Muller, Emmanuel

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1998Universities and knowledge intensive business services as actors of the creative regional technological infrastructure: The case of the Upper-Rhine ValleyHeraud, Jean-Alain; Muller, Emmanuel
1999There is no territorial fatality! (or how innovation interactions between KIBS and SMEs may modify the development patterns of peripheral regions)Muller, Emmanuel
2000Regionale Verteilung von Innovations- und Technologiepotentialen in Deutschland und Europa: Endbericht an das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Referat Z 25 - Kurzfassung der ProjektergebnisseKoschatzky, Knut; Muller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea; Eickelpasch, Alexander; Pfeiffer, Ingo; Dohse, Dirk; Bode, Eckhardt; Gehrke, Birgit; Legler, Harald; Schmidt, Jörg
2001Business services as actors of knowledge transformation and diffusion: some empirical findings on the role of KIBS in regional and national innovation systemsMuller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea
2006A regional typology of innovation capacities in new member States & candidate countriesMuller, Emmanuel; Jappe-Heinze, Arlette; Héraud, Jean-Alain; Zenker, Andrea
2007The key dimensions of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) analysis: a decade of evolutionMuller, Emmanuel; Doloreux, David
2008Services à forte intensité de connaissances, contexte régional et comportements d'innovation: une comparaison internationaleDoloreux, David; Zenker, Andrea; Muller, Emmanuel
2009France: innovation system and innovation policyMuller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea; Héraud, Jean-Alain
2009Entering the KIBS' black box: there must be an angel! (or is there something like a knowledge angel?)Muller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea; Héraud, Jean-Alain
2011La mesure de l'impact des clusters: Quelques éléments de réflexion et de bibliographieMuller, Emmanuel; Héraud, Jean-Alain; Menz, Nina; Benaim, Mickael; Zenker, Andrea
2014From smart concept to challenging practice: How European regions deal with the Commission's request for novel innovation strategiesKroll, Henning; Muller, Emmanuel; Schnabl, Esther; Zenker, Andrea