Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Mross, Karina

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2017Fostering democracy and stability in Timor-Leste after the 2006 crisis: on the benefits of coordinated and cooperative forms of supportMross, Karina
2018Supporting peace after civil war: what kind of international engagement can make a difference?Fiedler, Charlotte; Grävingholt, Jörn; Mross, Karina
2019What do we know about post-conflict transitional justice from academic research: key insights for practitionersFiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina
2019Democracy support and peaceful democratisation after civil warMross, Karina
2019Was wir aus der Forschung zu Transitional Justice in Postkonfliktgesellschaften wissen: wesentliche Erkenntnisse für die PraxisFiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina
2019Demokratieförderung und friedliche Demkratisierung nach BürgerkriegenMross, Karina
2019Friedensförderung nach Bürgerkriegen: welche Arten internationaler Unterstützung sind erfolgreich?Fiedler, Charlotte; Grävingholt, Jörn; Mross, Karina
2020What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: Ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisationHackenesch, Christine; Leininger, Julia; Mross, Karina
2021The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: Evidence for actionLeininger, Julia; Strupat, Christoph; Adeto, Yonas Adaye; Shimeles, Abebe; Wasike, Wilson; Aleksandrova, Mariya; Berger, Axel; Brandi, Clara; Brüntrup, Michael; Burchi, Francesco; Dick, Eva; El-Haddad, Amirah; Fiedler, Charlotte; Hackenesch, Christine; Houdret, Annabelle; Lehmann, Ina; Malerba, Daniele; Marschall, Paul; Mross, Karina; Schiller, Armin$cvon; Schraven, Benjamin; Ziaja, Sebastian; Adel, Marian; Gitt, Florian
2021Implications of COVID-19 for conflict in AfricaFiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina; Adeto, Yonas Adaye
2021Social cohesion: A new definition and a proposal for its measurement in AfricaLeininger, Julia; Burchi, Francesco; Fiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina; Nowack, Daniel; von Schiller, Armin; Sommer, Christoph; Strupat, Christoph; Ziaja, Sebastian
2022What role do local elections play for societal peace in Nepal? Evidence from post-conflict NepalFiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina; Berg, Anna; Bhattarai, Prakash; Drees, Dorothea; Kornprobst, Tim; Leibbrandt, Alexandra; Liegmann, Philipp; Riebsamen, Maleen
2023Strengthening social cohesion in conflict-affected societies: Potential, patterns and pitfallsCox, Fletcher D.; Fiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina