Browsing All of EconStor by Author Mitusch, Kay
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1998 | Banks' supply of loans: When future monetary policy is uncertain | Mitusch, Kay; Nautz, Dieter |
1999 | Finanzkrisen im Entwicklungsprozeß - die Asienkrise 1997/98 - ein Workshop an der Freien Universität Berlin | Mitusch, Kay; Muchlinski, Elke; Roy, Tobias |
2001 | Subjective evaluation and information-efficiency in organizations | Mitusch, Kay |
2004 | Mediation in Situations of Conflict and Limited Commitment | Mitusch, Kay; Strausz, Roland |
2005 | Cooperation and competition in the cargo liner shipping industry | Czerny, Achim I.; Mitusch, Kay |
2005 | Mobile Phone Termination Charges with Asymmetric Regulation | Baake, Pio; Mitusch, Kay |
2013 | Eisbergspitzen bei der Deutschen Bahn AG | Mitusch, Kay |
2014 | The structure of freight flows in Europe and its implications for EU railway freight policy | Mitusch, Kay; Liedtke, Gernot; Guihery, Laurent; Bälz, David |
2016 | Streiks und die Zuverlässigkeit der Verkehrsbedienung | Boltze, Manfred; Eisenkopf, Alexander; Fricke, Hartmut; Friedrich, Markus; Haasis, Hans-Dietrich; Knieps, Günter; Knorr, Andreas; Mitusch, Kay; Oeter, Stefan; Radermacher, Franz Josef; Sieg, Gernot; Siegmann, Jürgen; Schlag, Bernhard; Stölzle, Wolfgang; Vallée, Dirk; Winner, Hermann; Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim Bundesminister für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur |
2018 | HIGH-TOOL - a strategic assessment tool for evaluating EU transport policies | Szimba, Eckhard; Ihrig, Jan; Kraft, M.; Mitusch, Kay; Chen, M.; Chahim, M.; van Meijeren, J.; Kiel, J.; Mandel, Benedikt N.; Ulied, A.; Larrea, E.; De Ceuster, G.; van Grol, R.; Berki, Z.; Székely, A.; Smith, R. |
2019 | Intermodal competition between intercity buses and trains: A theoretical model | Gremm, Cornelia; Bälz, David; Corbo, Chris; Mitusch, Kay |
2021 | Mobile phone network expansion in sparsely populated regions in Germany: Roaming benefits consumers | Baake, Pio; Mitusch, Kay |
2021 | Mobilfunk-Netzausbau in dünn besiedelten Regionen: KonsumentInnen profitieren von Roaming | Baake, Pio; Mitusch, Kay |