Browsing All of EconStor by Author Mikosch, Heiner

Showing results 1 to 20 of 28
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Membership has its privileges: The effect of membership in international organizations on FDIDreher, Axel; Mikosch, Heiner; Voigt, Stefan
2010Membership has its privileges: The effect of membership in international organizations on FDIDreher, Axel; Mikosch, Heiner; Voigt, Stefan
2011Has the EMU reduced wage growth and unemployment? Testing a model of trade union behaviorMikosch, Heiner; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2011Has the EMU reduced wage growth and unemployment? Testing a model of trade union behaviourMikosch, Heiner; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2012AIECE General Report: AIECE Spring General Meeting, Madrid, 26-27 April 2012Frick, Andres; Hartwig, Jochen; Lassmann, Andrea; Mikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan; Süllow, Theo
2014Forecasting Chinese GDP growth with mixed frequency data: Which indicators to look at?Mikosch, Heiner; Zhang, Ying
2015Real-time forecasting with a MIDAS VARMikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan
2015How are firms affected by exchange rate shocks? Evidence from survey based impulse responsesBannert, Matthias; Drechsel, Dirk; Mikosch, Heiner; Sarferaz, Samad
2015Macro and micro level impulse responses: A survey experimental identification procedureDrechsel, Dirk; Mikosch, Heiner; Sarferaz, Samad; Bannert, Matthias
2015Real-time forecasting with a MIDAS VARMikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan
2017Should one follow movements in the oil price or in money supply? Forecasting quarterly GDP growth in Russia with higher-frequency indicatorsMikosch, Heiner; Solanko, Laura
2018Should one follow movements in the oil price or in money supply? Forecasting quarterly GDP growth in Russia with higher-frequency indicatorsMikosch, Heiner; Solanko, Laura
2018Aufschwung verliert an Fahrt - Weltwirtschaftliches Klima wird rauerEckert, Florian; Mikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan; Projektgruppe Gemeinschaftsdiagnose
2019Konjunktur deutlich abgekühlt: Politische Risiken hochEckert, Florian; Mikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan; Projektgruppe Gemeinschaftsdiagnose
2019ifo Konjunkturprognose Winter 2019: Deutsche Konjunktur stabilisiert sichWollmershäuser, Timo; Eckert, Florian; Göttert, Marcell; Grimme, Christian; Krolage, Carla; Lautenbacher, Stefan; Lehmann, Robert; Link, Sebastian; Mikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan; Nierhaus, Wolfgang; Rathje, Ann-Christin; Reif, Magnus; Šauer, Radek; Stöckli, Marc; Wohlrabe, Klaus; Wolf, Anna
2020Tracking economic activity with alternative high-frequency dataEckert, Florian; Kronenberg, Philipp; Mikosch, Heiner; Neuwirth, Stefan
2020Mobility and sales activity during the Corona crisis: Daily indicators for SwitzerlandEckert, Florian; Mikosch, Heiner
2020Konjunkturszenarien, Frühjahr 2020: Im Bann des Coronavirus. Rezession in Europa und der Schweiz wahrscheinlichAbberger, Klaus; Abrahamsen, Yngve; Anderes, Marc; Eckert, Florian; Funk, Anne Kathrin; Garmann, Sebastian; Graff, Michael; Haelg, Florian; Kronenberg, Philipp; Mikosch, Heiner; Mühlebach, Nina; Neuwirth, Stefan; Rathke, Alexander; Sarferaz, Samad; Seiler, Pascal; Siegenthaler, Michael; Streicher, Sina; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2020Mobility and sales activity during the Corona crisis: Daily indicators for SwitzerlandEckert, Florian; Mikosch, Heiner
2021Uncertainty shocks, adjustment costs and firm beliefs: Evidence from a representative surveyDibiasi, Andreas; Mikosch, Heiner; Sarferaz, Samad