Browsing All of EconStor by Author Michaelowa, Axel

Showing results 1 to 20 of 80
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1994Die neue Welthandelsorganisation: Schrittmacher für den Welthandel?Großmann, Harald; Koopmann, Georg; Michaelowa, Axel
1994The new World Trade Organization: Pacemaker for world trade?Großmann, Harald; Koopmann, Georg; Michaelowa, Axel
1995Internationale Kompensation: Eine Chance für den KlimaschutzMichaelowa, Axel
1995Joint implementation: a promising instrument for climate protectionMichaelowa, Axel
1996Economic growth in South East Asia and its consequences for the environmentMichaelowa, Axel
1998Joint Implementation as Development Policy - The Case of Costa RicaDutschke, Michael; Michaelowa, Axel
1998Klimapolitik in FrankreichMichaelowa, Axel
1998Creation and sharing of credits through the clean development mechanism under the Kyoto ProtocolDutschke, Michael; Michaelowa, Axel
1998Tightening the system: Central allocation of emission rightsDutschke, Michael; Michaelowa, Axel; Stronzik, Marcus
1998Interest groups and efficient design of the clean development mechanism under the Kyoto ProtocolDutschke, Michael; Michaelowa, Axel
1998Übertragung des Demokratiemodells der neuen politischen Ökonomie auf die KlimapolitikMichaelowa, Axel
1998Climate policy and interest groups: A public choice analysisMichaelowa, Axel
1998Klimapolitik in Großbritannien: Abfallprodukt der Energiemarktliberalisierung oder gezielte Politikmaßnahmen?Michaelowa, Axel
1998Issues and open questions of greenhouse gas emission trading under the Kyoto protocolDutschke, Michael; Michaelowa, Axel
1999Convergence criteria for participation in the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto ProtocolMichaelowa, Axel; Dutschke, Michael; Stronzik, Marcus
1999International climate negotiations gather new momentumMichaelowa, Axel
1999Critical issues in current climate policy: Hot air, multi-level emission trading registries and changes in emission commitments due to international conflictsMichaelowa, Axel; Koch, Tobias
1999Closing the gap? A comparison of approaches to encourage early greenhouse gas emission reductionsRolfe, Chris; Michaelowa, Axel; Dutschke, Michael
1999Early Crediting of Emissions Reduction – A Panacea or Pandora's Box?Michaelowa, Axel; Stronzik, Marcus
1999Early crediting of emissions reduction: A panacea or Pandora's Box?Michaelowa, Axel; Stronzik, Marcus