Browsing All of EconStor by Author Meschi, Elena

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Globalization and income inequalityMeschi, Elena; Vivarelli, Marco
2008Trade openness and the demand for skills: evidence from Turkish microdataMeschi, Elena; Taymaz, Erol; Vivarelli, Marco
2009Trade, technology and skills: Evidence from Turkish microdataMeschi, Elena; Taymaz, Erol; Vivarelli, Marco
2011Institutional reforms and educational attainment in Europe: A long run perspectiveBraga, Michela; Checchi, Daniele; Meschi, Elena
2011The relative importance of local labour market conditions and pupil attainment on post-compulsory schooling decisionsMeschi, Elena; Swaffield, Joanna; Vignoles, Anna
2015Globalization, Technological Change and Labor Demand: A Firm Level Analysis for TurkeyMeschi, Elena; Taymaz, Erol; Vivarelli, Marco
2017The Effect of Immigrant Peers in Vocational SchoolsFrattini, Tommaso; Meschi, Elena
2019Impact of Early Childcare on Immigrant Children’s Educational PerformanceCorazzini, Luca; Meschi, Elena; Pavese, Caterina
2021Do Non-tariff Barriers to Trade Save American Jobs and Wages?Leonardi, Marco; Meschi, Elena
2022The impact of working conditions on mental health: novel evidence from the UKBelloni, Michele; Carrino, Ludovico; Meschi, Elena
2023Ability composition in the class and the school performance of immigrant studentsMeschi, Elena; Pavese, Caterina
2023Ability composition in the class and the school performance of immigrant studentsMeschi, Elena; Pavese, Caterina
2023Wie Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund vom Leistungsniveau ihrer Schulklasse beeinflusst werdenFreundl, Vera; Meschi, Elena; Pavese, Caterina
2024Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: The Role of Study Time and Class Recordings on University Students' Performance during COVID-19Binelli, Chiara; Comi, Simona Lorena; Meschi, Elena; Pagani, Laura