Browsing All of EconStor by Author Merrigan, Philip
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | The recent evolution of retirement patterns in Canada | Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip; Michaud, Pierre-Carl |
2015 | Universal Childcare and Longer-Run Effects on Parental Health and Behaviors: Evidence from a Canadian Universal Child Care Program | Lebihan, Laetitia; Haeck, Catherine; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2016 | Les résultats éducatifs de long terme des élèves de l'école secondaire privée au Québec : une évaluation des effets de traitement avec données longitudinales | Lapierre, David; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2016 | Evidence on Maternal Health from Two Large Canadian Parental Leave Expansions: When is Enough Too Much? | Haeck, Catherine; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip; Lapierre, David |
2017 | Universal childcare and long-term effects on child well-being: Evidence from Canada | Lebihan, Laetitia; Haeck, Catherine; Merrigan, Philip |
2017 | Long Term Educational Attainment of Private High School Students in Québec: Estimates of Treatment Effects from Longitudinal Data | Lapierre, David; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2018 | L'héritage de l'éducation sur 25 ans : Une comparaison des tendances au Québec et dans le reste du Canada | Leblond-Létourneau, Martin; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2019 | Paid Parental Leave: Leaner Might Be Better | Haeck, Catherine; Pare, Samuel; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2020 | Les inégalités provinciales aux tests internationaux-nationaux de littéracie: Québec, Ontario et autres provinces canadiennes 2000-2018 | Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2021 | Why subsidize independent schools? Estimating the effect of a unique Canadian schooling model on educational attainment | Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |
2023 | Enseignements du PIRLS-2021 sur la littéracie en lecture des élèves de 4e année: Comparaisons Québec, trois provinces canadiennes, six pays européens | Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip |