Browsing All of EconStor by Author Merkl, Christian

Showing results 1 to 20 of 128
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Monetary policy rules for RussiaEsanov, Akram; Merkl, Christian; Vinhas de Souza, Lúcio
2004A preliminary evaluation of monetary policy rules for RussiaEsanov, Akram; Merkl, Christian; Vinhas de Souza, Lúcio
2005The Effect of Capital Requirement Regulation on the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Evidence from AustriaEngler, Philipp; Jokipii, Terhi; Kaltwasser, Pablo Rovira; Merkl, Christian; de Souza, Lúcio Vinhas
2005Monetary persistence, imperfect competition, and staggering complementaritiesMerkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2006Banks' regulatory buffers, liquidity networks and monetary policy transmissionMerkl, Christian; Stolz, Stéphanie
2006The caring hand that cripples: The East German labor market after reunification (detailed version)Snower, Dennis J.; Merkl, Christian
2006Comparing the effectiveness of employment subsidiesBrown, Alessio J. G.; Merkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2006The caring hand that cripples: The East Germany labour market after reunificationSnower, Dennis J.; Merkl, Christian
2006Banks' regulatory buffers, liquidity networks and monetary policy transmissionMerkl, Christian; Stolz, Stéphanie
2006The caring hand that cripples: The East German labor market after reunification (detailed version)Snower, Dennis J.; Merkl, Christian
2006Monetary persistence, imperfect competition and staggering complementaritiesMerkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2007Einstellungsgutscheine effektiver als Kombilöhne: Reformkonzepte zur Erhöhung der Beschäftigung im Niedriglohnbereich. NiedriglohnsektorBrown, Alessio J. G.; Merkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2007Real wage rigidities and the cost of disinflations: A comment on Blanchard and GalíAscari, Guido; Merkl, Christian
2007Real wage rigidities and the cost of disinflationsAscari, Guido; Merkl, Christian
2007Einstellungsgutscheine: Konkrete Ausgestaltung für DeutschlandBoss, Alfred; Brown, Alessio J. G.; Merkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2007Real wage rigidities and the cost of disinflations: A comment on Blanchard and GalíAscari, Guido; Merkl, Christian
2007Comparing the effectiveness of employment subsidiesBrown, Alessio J. G.; Merkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2007Escaping the unemployment trap: The case of East GermanyMerkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2007Monetary and labor policies under market frictionsMerkl, Christian
2007Einstellungsgutscheine effektiver als KombilöhneSnower, Dennis; Brown, Alessio; Merkl, Christian