Browsing All of EconStor by Author McNally, Sandra

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004The Literacy HourMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra
2005Vive la Révolution! : Long Term Returns of 1968 to the Angry StudentsMaurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2006New technology in schools: is there a payoff?Machin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Silva, Olmo
2007Educational effects of widening access to the academic track: a natural experimentMaurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2007Resources and standards in urban schoolsMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Meghir, Costas
2008Does money matter for schools?Holmlund, Helena; McNally, Sandra; Viarengo, Martina
2010The effect of tracking students by ability into different schools: a natural experimentGuyon, Nina; Maurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2011Every child matters? An evaluation of 'special educational needs' programmes in EnglandKeslair, Francois; Maurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2012Does additional spending help urban schools? An evaluation using boundary discontinuitiesGibbons, Steve; McNally, Sandra; Viarengo, Martina
2012Non-native speakers of English in the classroom: What are the effects on pupil performance?Geay, Charlotte; McNally, Sandra; Telhaj, Shqiponja
2012Mental health and education decisionsCornaglia, Francesca; Crivellaro, Elena; McNally, Sandra
2014Student Awareness of Costs and Benefits of Educational Decisions: Effects of an Information Campaign and Media ExposureMcGuigan, Martin; McNally, Sandra; Wyness, Gill
2014Student Awareness of Costs and Benefits of Educational Decisions: Effects of an Information Campaign and Media ExposureMcGuigan, Martin; McNally, Sandra; Wyness, Gill
2016"Teaching to Teach" LiteracyMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Viarengo, Martina
2016How important is career information and advice?McNally, Sandra
2018Entry Through the Narrow Door: The Costs of Just Failing High Stakes ExamsMachin, Steve; McNally, Sandra; Ruiz-Valenzuela, Jenifer
2018Entry Through the Narrow Door: The Costs of Just Failing High Stakes ExamsMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Ruiz-Valenzuela, Jenifer
2020Closing the Gap between Vocational and General Education? Evidence from University Technical Colleges in EnglandMachin, Steve; McNally, Sandra; Terrier, Camille; Ventura, Guglielmo
2020Closing the Gap between Vocational and General Education? Evidence from University Technical Colleges in EnglandMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Terrier, Camille; Ventura, Guglielmo
2020Gender differences in tertiary education: What explains STEM participation?McNally, Sandra