Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Mayrhofer, Wolfgang
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 15 von 15
Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
1999 | Strategische Personalpolitik: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Dudo von Eckardstein | Elšik, Wolfgang; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2004 | Management across borders: A multidisciplinary approach towards globalisation and diffusion processes in Central and Eastern Europe | Iellatchitch, Alexandre; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2004 | Social systems theory as theoretical framework for Human Resource Management: Benediction or curse? | Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2004 | Editorial | Iellatchitch, Alexandre; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2004 | Devolving responsibilities for human resources to line management? An empirical study about convergence in Europe | Mayrhofer, Wolfgang; Müller-Camen, Michael; Ledolter, Johannes; Strunk, Guido; Erten-Buch, Christiane |
2004 | Lost in transition? Complexity in organisational behaviour. The contributions of systems theories | Strunk, Guido; Schiffinger, Michael; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2005 | European Human Resource Management: Researching developments over time | Mayrhofer, Wolfgang; Brewster, Chris |
2009 | Groping in the dark? Recent contributions to progress in interpretative research - a review | Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2009 | The end of personnel? Managing human resources in turbulent environments | Reichel, Astrid; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2010 | Mind the (gender) gap: Gender, gender role types, and their effects on objective career success over time | Schneidhofer, Thomas M.; Schiffinger, Michael; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2010 | The strongest link: Legitimacy of top management diversity, sex stereotypes and the rise of women in human resource management 1995 - 2004 | Reichel, Astrid; Brandl, Julia; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2011 | Re-conceptualizing career success: a contextual approach | Gunz, Hugh; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2012 | Falling for the change hype - or: (Career, HR, and OB) research should know better | Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2022 | Workplace spirituality: Making a difference | Altman, Yochanan; Neal, Judi; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang |
2023 | Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices | Biemann, Torsten; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang; Koch‐Bayram, Irmela |