Browsing All of EconStor by Author Mathonnat, Jacky

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Identification des déterminants de la mortalité routière - Quel rôle jouent les déterminants structurels ?Mathonnat, Jacky; Thuilliez, Josselin
2017Was there a shift in Chinese health aid allocation strategy to Africa over the 2000-2013 period?Guillon, Marlène; Mathonnat, Jacky
2017How a Results-Based Financing approach can contribute to the health Sustainable Development Goals - Policy-oriented lessons: what we know, what we need to know and don't yet knowMathonnat, Jacky; Pelissier, Aurore
2017What does demand heterogeneity tell us about health care provider choice in rural China?Audibert, Martine; He, Yong; Mathonnat, Jacky
2017Efficiency of township hospitals in China in the context of the drug policy reform: Progress should not get bogged in midstream - A case study from a survey in Weifang prefecturePetitfour, Laurène; Huangfu, Xiezhe; Audibert, Martine; Mathonnat, Jacky
2018The challenge of improving efficiency of Soum Health Centers in MongoliaAudibert, Martine; Guillon, Marlène; Mathonnat, Jacky
2018What can we learn on Chinese aid allocation motivations from new available data? A sectorial analysis of Chinese aid to African countriesGuillon, Marlène; Mathonnat, Jacky
2020La Chine, la dette et les motivations de l'aide chinoise à la santé en Afrique sub-saharienne : où est l'arbre et où est la forêt ?Mathonnat, Jacky
2021Perception de la Covid et comportement des ménages au Burkina Faso. Une analyse sur données d'enquêteAudibert, Martine; Mathonnat, Jacky; Nossek, Vincent
2023Four priorities in international health financing to consider after the Paris SummitMathonnat, Jacky
2023Quatre priorités dans le financement international de la santé à considérer après le Sommet de ParisMathonnat, Jacky