Browsing All of EconStor by Author Manning, Alan

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006The impact of immigration on the structure of male wages: theory and evidence from BritainManacorda, Marco; Manning, Alan; Wadsworth, Jonathan
2006The part-time pay penalty for women in BritainManning, Alan; Petrongolo, Barbara
2006Comprehensive versus selective schooling in England and Wales: what do we know?Manning, Alan; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen
2006The Impact of Immigration on the Structure of Male Wages: Theory and Evidence from BritainManacorda, Marco; Manning, Alan; Wadsworth, Jonathan
2009The economic situation of first- and second-generation immigrants in France, Germany, and the UKAlgan, Yann; Dustmann, Christian; Glitz, Albrecht; Manning, Alan
2009The Economic Situation of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in France, Germany, and the UKAlgan, Yann; Dustmann, Christian; Glitz, Albrecht; Manning, Alan
2011How local are labor markets? Evidence from a spatial job search modelManning, Alan; Petrongolo, Barbara
2012Cultural Integration of Immigrants in EuropeAlgan, Yann; Bisin, Alberto; Manning, Alan; Verdier, Thierry
2016Reservation wages and the wage flexibility puzzleKoenig, Felix; Manning, Alan; Petrongolo, Barbara
2016Reservation Wages and the Wage Flexibility PuzzleKoenig, Felix; Manning, Alan; Petrongolo, Barbara
2019The urban wage premium in imperfect labour marketsHirsch, Boris; Jahn, Elke J.; Manning, Alan; Oberfichtner, Michael
2022The wage elasticity of recruitmentHirsch, Boris; Jahn, Elke J.; Manning, Alan; Oberfichtner, Michael
2022The Wage Elasticity of RecruitmentHirsch, Boris; Jahn, Elke J.; Manning, Alan; Oberfichtner, Michael
2023Einwanderung klug, einfach und fair gestalten: Ein Vorschlag mit doppelter DividendeBarišić, Manuela; Jäger, Simon; Manning, Alan; Muñoz, Mathilde; Rinne, Ulf; Stuhler, Jan
2023The Wage Elasticity of RecruitmentHirsch, Boris; Jahn, Elke J.; Manning, Alan; Oberfichtner, Michael
2023Vacancy Duration and WagesBassier, Ihsaan; Manning, Alan; Petrongolo, Barbara