Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | The effect of neighbourhood housing tenure mix on labour market outcomes: a longitudinal perspective | van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David |
2010 | Social mobility: is there an advantage in being English in Scotland? | van Ham, Maarten; Findlay, Allan; Manley, David; Feijten, Peteke |
2010 | Social mobility: Is there a benefit of being English in Scotland? | Ham, Maarten Van; Findlay, Allan; Manley, David; Feijten, Peteke |
2010 | Neighbourhood choice and neighbourhood reproduction | Bergström, Lina; Ham, Maarten van; Manley, David |
2010 | Living in deprived neighbourhoods in Scotland. Occupational mobility and neighbourhood effects. | Manley, David; Van Ham, Maarten |
2010 | Neighbourhood effects, housing tenure, and individual employment outcomes | Manley, David; Harn, Maarten van |
2011 | Social mixing as a cure for negative neighbourhood effects: Evidence based policy or urban myth? | Manley, David; van Ham, Maarten; Doherty, Joe |
2012 | Cumulative exposure to disadvantage and the intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood effects | Hedman, Lina; Manley, David; van Ham, Maarten; Östh, John |
2012 | Segregation, choice based letting and social housing: How housing policy can affect the segregation process | van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David |
2012 | Neighbourhood Effects Research at a Crossroads: Ten Challenges for Future Research | van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David |
2012 | Neighbourhood effects research at a crossroads: Ten challenges for future research | van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David |
2012 | Intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood poverty in Sweden: An innovative analysis of individual neighbourhood histories | van Ham, Maarten; Hedman, Lina; Manley, David; Coulter, Rory |
2013 | Occupational Mobility and Living in Deprived Neighbourhoods: Housing Tenure Differences in 'Neighbourhood Effects' | van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David |
2016 | Trajectories of Neighborhood Change: Spatial Patterns of Increasing Ethnic Diversity | Zwiers, Merle; van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David |
2017 | Sorting out Neighbourhood Effects Using Sibling Data | Hedman, Lina; Manley, David; van Ham, Maarten |
2017 | Does Segregation Reduce Socio-Spatial Mobility? Evidence from Four European Countries with Different Inequality and Segregation Contexts | Nieuwenhuis, Jaap; Tammaru, Tiit; van Ham, Maarten; Hedman, Lina; Manley, David |
2018 | Freedom from the Tyranny of Neighbourhood: Rethinking Socio-Spatial Context Effects | Petrović, Ana; Manley, David; van Ham, Maarten |
2018 | Experienced and Inherited Disadvantage: A Longitudinal Study of Early Adulthood Neighbourhood Careers of Siblings | Manley, David; van Ham, Maarten; Hedman, Lina |
2022 | Geographies of Socio-Economic Inequality | van Ham, Maarten; Manley, David; Tammaru, Tiit |