Browsing All of EconStor by Author Mailath, George J.
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1993 | Normal Form Structures in Extensive Form Games | Mailath, George J. |
1993 | Structural Indifference in Normal Form Games | Mailath, George J. |
1993 | Is there Always a 'Right' Extensive Form? | Mailath, George J. |
1996 | How Proper is Sequential Equilibrium? | Mailath, George J. |
2006 | Coordination failure in repeated games with almost-public monitoring | Mailath, George J.; Morris, Stephen |
2006 | Extreme Adverse Selection, Competitive Pricing, and Market Breakdown | Mailath, George J.; Nöldeke, Georg |
2008 | Folk theorems with bounded recall under (almost) perfect monitoring | Mailath, George J.; Olszewski, Wojciech |
2013 | Incentive Compatibility and Differentiability New Results and Classic Applications | Mailath, George J.; von Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig |
2013 | Pricing and investments in matching markets | Mailath, George J.; Samuelson, Larry; Postlewaite, Andrew |
2013 | Editorial | Mailath, George J. |
2015 | When and how the punishment must fit the crime | Mailath, George J.; Nocke, Volker; White, Lucy |
2015 | When and How the Punishment Must Fit the Crime | Mailath, George J.; Nocke, Volker; White, Lucy |
2021 | Social capital: A double-edged sword | Cole, Harold L.; Krueger, Dirk; Mailath, George J.; Park, Yena |
2023 | Trust in risk sharing: A double-edged sword | Cole, Harold L.; Krueger, Dirk; Mailath, George J.; Park, Yena |