Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lorenz, Normann

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Der optimale "Risikopool" zur Vermeidung von RisikoselektionKifmann, Mathias; Lorenz, Normann
2005Optimal cost reimbursement of health insurers to reduce risk selectionKifmann, Mathias; Lorenz, Normann
2011Optimal Nonlinear Taxation, Minimum Hours, and the Earned Income Tax CreditLorenz, Normann; Sachs, Dominik
2012Health care expenditures and longevity: Is there a Eubie Blake effect?Breyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Niebel, Thomas
2012Health Care Expenditures and Longevity: Is there a Eubie Blake Effect?Breyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Niebel, Thomas
2013Adverse selection and risk adjustment under imperfect competitionLorenz, Normann
2014Adverse selection and heterogeneity of demand responsivenessLorenz, Normann
2014Using quantile regression for optimal risk adjustmentLorenz, Normann
2014The interaction of direct and indirect risk selectionLorenz, Normann
2019The "Red Herring" after 20 Years: Ageing and Health Care ExpendituresBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann
2020Wie nachhaltig sind die gesetzliche Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung finanziert?Breyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann
2020Aging and Health Care Expenditure: A non-parametric approachBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Ihle, Peter
2020Aging and Health Care Expenditures: A Non-Parametric ApproachLorenz, Normann; Ihle, Peter; Breyer, Friedrich
2020The “red herring” after 20 years: ageing and health care expendituresBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann
2021Looking into the black box of "medical progress": Rising health expenditures by illness type and ageBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Pruckner, Gerald J.; Schober, Thomas
2021Looking into the black box of "medical progress": Rising health expenditures by illness type and ageBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Pruckner, Gerald J.; Schober, Thomas
2022Looking into the black box of “Medical Innovation”: rising health expenditures by illness typeBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Pruckner, Gerald J.; Schober, Thomas