Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lingens, Jörg

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Abgaben und Umlagen im dualen AusbildungssystemJerger, Jürgen; Lingens, Jörg
2005Pareto - Improving Unemployment PoliciesWälde, Klaus; Lingens, Jörg
2006Determinanten der Verweildauer in Arbeitslosigkeit in DeutschlandHeining, Jörg; Lingens, Jörg
2006Pareto-improving unemployment policiesLingens, Jörg; Wälde, Klaus
2006Intertemporale Zielkonflikte in der makroökonomischen Politik: Zum Nobelpreis an Edmund S. PhelpsJerger, Jürgen; Lingens, Jörg
2008The Strategic Effects of Smoking BansBauer, Christian; Lingens, Jörg
2009Smoking Bans in the Presence of Social InteractionBauer, Christian; Lingens, Jörg
2010Individual vs. Collective Bargaining in the Large Firm Search ModelBauer, Christian; Lingens, Jörg
2010Individual vs. Collective Bargaining in the Large Firm Search ModelBauer, Christian; Lingens, Jörg
2011Director interlocks and executive turnover in German public corporations: A hazard analysis for the period from 1996 to 2008Balsmeier, Benjamin; Buchwald, Achim; Dilger, Alexander; Lingens, Jörg
2014What’s the Damage? Environmental Regulation with Policy-Motivated BureaucratsVoß, Achim; Lingens, Jörg
2014Unionization, information asymmetry and the de-location of firmsDe Pinto, Marco; Lingens, Jörg
2014What's the damage? Environmental regulation with policy-motivated bureaucratsVoß, Achim; Lingens, Jörg
2016The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection MattersLingens, Jörg; De Pinto, Marco; Bauer, Christian
2016Energy costs in Germany and Europe: An assessment based on a (total real unit) energy cost accounting frameworkKaltenegger, Oliver; Löschel, Andreas; Baikowski, Martin; Lingens, Jörg
2017The impact of unionization costs when firm-selection mattersde Pinto, Marco; Lingens, Jörg
2023Deutsche Haushalte schauen zu optimistisch auf Energiekosten und zu pessimistisch auf Hilfen der BundesregierungLingens, Jörg; Werthschulte, Madeline