Browsing All of EconStor by Author Levy, Horacio

Showing results 1 to 20 of 33
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002The impact of means tested assistance in Southern EuropeO'Donoghue, Cathal; Albuquerque, J.; Baldini, Massimo; Bargain, Olivier; Bosi, P.; Levy, Horacio; Mantovani, D.; Matsaganis, Manos; Mercader-Prats, M.; Farinha, C.; Rodrigues, Farinha; Toso, S.; Terraz, I.; Tsakloglou, P.
2002Indicators for social inclusion in the European Union: How responsive are they to macro-level changes?Feres, Patricio; Immervoll, Herwig; Lietz, Christine; Levy, Horacio; Mantovani, Daniela; Sutherland, Holly
2003Child-targeted tax-benefit reform in Spain in a European context: A microsimulation analysis using EUROMODLevy, Horacio
2004The role of tax and transfers in reducing personal income inequality in Europe's regions: Evidence from EUROMODMercader-Prats, Magda; Levy, Horacio
2004Child poverty and family transfers in Southern EuropeMatsaganis, Manos; O’Donoghue, Cathal; Levy, Horacio; Coromaldi, Manuela; Mercader-Prats, Magda; Rodrigues, Carlos Farinha; Toso, Stefano; Tsakloglou, Panos
2005Household incomes and redistribution in the European Union: Quantifying the equalising properties of taxes and benefitsImmervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Mantovani, Daniela; O'Donoghue, Cathal; Sutherland, Holly; Verbist, Gerlinde
2005Child Poverty and Family Transfers in Southern EuropeMatsaganis, Manos; Levy, Horacio; Mercader-Prats, Magda; Toso, Stefano; O'Donoghue, Cathal; Coromaldi, Manuela; Rodrigues, Carlos Farinha; Tsakloglou, Panos
2005Alternative tax-benefit strategies to support children in the European UnionLevy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Sutherland, Holly
2005The impact of Brazil's tax-benefit-system on inequality and povertyImmervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Nogueira, José Ricardo; O'Donoghue, Cathal; de Siqueira, Rozane Bezerra
2006A basic income for Europe's children?Levy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Sutherland, Holly
2006Household incomes and redistribution in the European Union: Quantifying the equalising properties of taxes and benefitsImmervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Mantovani, Daniela; O'Donoghue, Cathal; Sutherland, Holly; Verbist, Gerlinde
2006Alternative tax-benefit strategies to support children in the European Union: Recent reforms in Austria, Spain and the UKLevy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Sutherland, Holly
2006The impact of Brazil's tax-benefit system on inequality and povertyImmervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Nogueira, José Ricardo; O'Donoghue, Cathal; de Siqueira, Rozane Bezerra
2006A basic income for Europe's children?Levy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Sutherland, Holly
2007Inequalities within couples: market incomes and the role of taxes and benefits in EuropeFigari, Francesco; Immervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Sutherland, Holly
2007Inequalities within Couples: Market Incomes and the Role of Taxes and Benefits in EuropeFigari, Francesco; Immervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Sutherland, Holly
2007Inequalities within couples: Market incomes and the role of taxes and benefits in EuropeFigari, Francesco; Immervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Sutherland, Holly
2007Using the EU-SILC for policy simulation: Prospects, some limitations and suggestionsFigari, Francesco; Levy, Horacio; Sutherland, Holly
2007Inequalities within couples: market incomes and the role of taxes and benefits in EuropeFigari, Francesco; Immervoll, Herwig; Levy, Horacio; Sutherland, Holly
2008Improving the capacity and usability of EUROMODSutherland, Holly; Figari, Francesco; Lelkes, Orsolya; Levy, Horacio; Lietz, Christine; Mantovani, Daniela; Paulus, Alari