Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lay, Jann

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001Towards a dual education system - a labour market perspective on poverty reduction in BoliviaLay, Jann; Wiebelt, Manfred
2003Globalisation and poverty changes in ColombiaBussolo, Maurizio; Lay, Jann
2003Hacia un sistema de educación dual: Una perspectiva desde el mercado laboral sobre la reducción de la pobreza en BoliviaLay, Jann; Wiebelt, Manfred
2004The Missing Links - Uganda's Economic Reforms and Pro-Poor GrowthKappel, Robert; Lay, Jann; Steiner, Susan
2004Pro-poor growth in Bolivia: accounting for external shocks and policy reformsLay, Jann; Thiele, Rainer; Wiebelt, Manfred
2004Bananas, oil, and development: examining the resource curse and its transmission channels by resource typeLay, Jann; Omar Mahmoud, Toman
2004Operationalizing pro-poor growth, country case study: BoliviaKlasen, Stephan; Grosse, Melanie; Thiele, Rainer; Lay, Jann; Spatz, Julius; Wiebelt, Manfred
2005Uganda: No more pro-poor growth?Kappel, Robert; Lay, Jann; Steiner, Susan
2006The impact of commodity price changes on rural households: The case of coffee in UgandaBussolo, Maurizio; Godart, Olivier N.; Lay, Jann; Thiele, Rainer
2006Resource booms, inequality, and poverty: The case of gas in BoliviaLay, Jann; Thiele, Rainer; Wiebelt, Manfred
2006Structural change and poverty reduction in Brazil: The impact of the Doha RoundBussolo, Maurizio; Lay, Jann; van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique
2007Poverty and Distributional Impact of Economic Policies and External Shocks: Three Case Studies from Latin America Combining Macro and Micro ApproachesLay, Jann
2007Boda bodas rule: Non-agricultural activities and their inequality implications in Western KenyaLay, Jann; M'Mukaria, George Michuki; Omar Mahmoud, Toman
2007Boda-bodas Rule: Non-agricultural Activities and Their Inequality Implications in Western KenyaLay, Jann; M'Mukaria, George Michuki; Omar Mahmoud, Toman
2007Boda-bodas rule: Non-agricultural activities and their inequality implications in Western KenyaLay, Jann; M'Mukaria, George Michuki; Omar Mahmoud, Toman
2008Income Diversification and Poverty in a Growing Agricultural Economy: The Case of GhanaLay, Jann; Schüler, Dana
2008More coffee, more cigarettes? Coffee market liberalisation, gender, and bargaining in UgandaGolan, Jennifer; Lay, Jann
2009The Impact of Agricultural Market Liberalisation from a Gender Perspective: Evidence from UgandaLay, Jann; Golan, Jennifer
2010MDG Achievements, Determinants, and Resource Needs: What Has Been Learnt?Lay, Jann
2011Credit-constrained in risky activities? The determinants of capital stocks of micro and small firms in Western AfricaGrimm, Michael; Lange, Simon; Lay, Jann