Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lakes, Tobia

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Geographically Referenced Data in Social Science: A Service Paper for SOEP Data UsersHintze, Peter; Lakes, Tobia
2009GeodataLakes, Tobia
2009Geographically Referenced Data for Social ScienceHintze, Peter; Lakes, Tobia
2020How green is greening? A fine-scale analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in GermanyLakes, Tobia; Garcia-Marquez, Jaime; Müller, Daniel; Lakner, Sebastian; Pe’er, Guy
2020Identifying agricultural landscape types for Brandenburg, Germany using IACS dataWolff, Saskia; Hüttel, Silke; Nendel, Claas; Lakes, Tobia
2022Field-level land-use data reveal heterogeneous crop sequences with distinct regional differences in GermanyJänicke, Clemens; Goddard, Adam; Stein, Susanne; Steinmann, Horst-Henning; Lakes, Tobia; Nendel, Claas; Müller, Daniel
2023Multi-objective spatial optimization to balance trade-offs between farmland bird diversity and potential agricultural net returnsWesemeyer, Maximilian; Kamp, Johannes; Schmitz, Tillman; Müller, Daniel; Lakes, Tobia
2023Use Cases of the Integrated Administration and Control System's Plot-Level Data: Protocol and Pilot Analysis for a Systematic Mapping ReviewLeonhardt, Heidi; Hüttel, Silke; Lakes, Tobia; Wesemeyer, Maximilian; Wolff, Saskia
2024Can we estimate farm size from field size? An empirical investigation of the field size to farm size relationshipJänicke, Clemens; Wesemeyer, Maximilian; Chiarella, Cristina; Lakes, Tobia; Levers, Christian; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Müller, Daniel; Pratzer, Marie; Rufin, Philippe
2024Reallocating crops raises crop diversity without changes to field boundaries and farm-level crop compositionWesemeyer, Maximilian; Müller, Daniel; Lakes, Tobia