Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Lackner, Mario

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2009An empirical analysis of the dynamics of the welfare state: the case of benefit moraleHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2009An empirical analysis of the dynamics of the welfare state : the case of benefit moraleHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2009An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamics of the Welfare State: The Case of Benefit MoraleHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2009An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamics of the Welfare State: The Case of Benefit MoraleHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2010And most of us go Pro in something other than Sports Hiring Preferences and their Effect on the Labor Market for Collegiate Football PlayersLackner, Mario
2011Returns to education in professional footballBöheim, René; Lackner, Mario
2011Returns to Education in Professional FootballBöheim, René; Lackner, Mario
2013Does the welfare state destroy the family? Evidence from OECD member countriesHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Scharler, Johann
2013Gender and competition: Evidence from jumping competitionsBöheim, René; Lackner, Mario
2013Does the Welfare State Destroy the Family? Evidence from OECD Member CountriesHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Scharler, Johann
2013Does the Welfare State Destroy the Family? Evidence from OECD Member CountriesHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Scharler, Johann
2013Gender and Competition: Evidence from Jumping CompetitionsBöheim, René; Lackner, Mario
2013Rent Sharing and Gender Discrimination in Collegiate AthleticsLackner, Mario; Zulehner, Christine
2013Does the Welfare State Destroy the Family? Evidence from OECD Member CountriesHalla, Martin; Lackner, Mario; Scharler, Johann
2013Rent sharing and gender discrimination in collegiate athleticsLackner, Mario; Zulehner, Christine
2015Are competitors forward looking in strategic interactions? Evidence from the fieldLackner, Mario; Stracke, Rudi; Sunde, Uwe; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2015Are Competitors Forward Looking in Strategic Interactions? Evidence from the FieldLackner, Mario; Stracke, Rudi; Sunde, Uwe; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2015Are competitors forward looking in strategic interactions? Evidence from the fieldLackner, Mario; Stracke, Rudi; Sunde, Uwe; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2016Gender Differences in Risk-Taking: Evidence from Professional BasketballBöheim, René; Freudenthaler, Christoph; Lackner, Mario
2016Gender differences in risk-taking: Evidence from professional basketballBöheim, René; Freudenthaler, Christoph; Lackner, Mario