Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Lööf, Hans

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2001On the relationship between innovation and performance: A sensitivity analysisLööf, Hans; Heshmati, Almas
2001Innovation and performance in manufacturing industries: A comparison of the Nordic countriesLööf, Hans; Heshmati, Almas; Asplund, Rita; Nåås, Svein-Olav
2003The link between firm-level innovation and aggregate productivity growth: a cross-country examinationHeshmati, Almas; Lööf, Hans
2003Dynamic Optimal Capital Structure and Technological ChangeLööf, Hans
2003Firm Level Innovation and Productivity: Is there a Common Story Across Countries?Peters, Bettina; Lööf, Hans; Janz, Norbert
2005Firm location, Corporate Structure, R&D Investment, Innovation and ProductivityJohansson, Börje; Lööf, Hans; Olsson, Amy Rade
2011R&D-Persistency, Metropolitan Externalities and ProductivityLööf, Hans
2013Creation and Exploitation of Knowledge in Multinationals The Importance of Local and Global Spillovers for Domestic and Foreign ExportersLööf, Hans; Nabavi-Larijani, Pardis
2016Offshoring R&DTuhkuri, Joonas; Lööf, Hans; Mohammadi, Ali; Rouvinen, Petri
2018Economic impact of STEM immigrant workersBaum, Christopher F.; Lööf, Hans; Stephan, Andreas
2020Occupational Sorting and Wage Gaps of RefugeesBaum, Christopher F.; Lööf, Hans; Stephan, Andreas; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2020Occupational Sorting and Wage Gaps of RefugeesBaum, Christopher F.; Lööf, Hans; Stephan, Andreas; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2022The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on Europe's Forest-Based BioeconomyLööf, Hans; Stephan, Andreas
2023The EU's competitive advantage in the "clean-energy arms race"Dahlström, Petter; Lööf, Hans; Sjöholm, Fredrik; Stephan, Andreas
2024Estimating the wage premia of refugee immigrants: Lessons from SwedenBaum, Christopher F.; Lööf, Hans; Stephan, Andreas; Zimmermann, Klaus F.